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Everything posted by samurai

  1. I threw my stopwatch in the garbage, it wasn't accurate enough. Direct and constant feeback from the snow to my fingers is much more real-time. The same is true with the balance thing; I would never cut off any nerve endings that currently filter information from the snow. Unlike tight-rope balance-bars, they're supposed to make contact with the snow. If snowboarders faced their runs head-on, poles would exist in their realm too. But the backing away, and turning your body to the side in an attempt to cover your asss before the shite even gets thrown at the fan belittles the benefits tha
  2. trolling... the current rationale for them is passing you in the flats, on traverses, timing our turns via direct contact between our upper bodies and the snow which allows for even better balance and even faster speeds, etc. what is the current rationale for a spider having 8 legs? you'd think they would've evolved already. 11 years wasn't enough to understand them? I have had the exact same pole grips for eleven years, actually 14 years now that I think about it.
  3. then again, the constant police driving around with their lights always flashing pretty much takes the whole shock value out of seeing an actual emergency. Not that an ambulance is the same as a cop car, but... I always wondered what other lights they flash when there is an emergency in order to tell people to get the f out of the way. I too have experience riding in an ambulance. I was more shocked at the lack of medical attention. No pupil-dialation test, no vitals, nothing but a bandage on my head wound until I got to the hospital and they gave me a ct. WTF?! wow... this th
  4. in defense of those who despise change... http://archives.cbc.ca/IDCC-1-41-1727-11917/sports/extreme_sports/
  5. you're late... been done already... didn't boom. back when skiers were converting they couldn't leave their wife-beaters behind so they dragged them along, looking very gay in the wake. Nobody got paid. Then, snowboarders began appearing without a skier background and the word "knuckle-dragger" emerged. I think it's a derivative of "rug-rat".
  6. troll... poles make the air look chaotic with all the moving gear. chaotic- silenced- is cool. actually, poles are feelers, like the antennas on an ant. If you CAN feel more, why give it up? in the bc? that's all you. do you hike in the summer with poles? Are your poles also avi-probes? Or do they simply just make hiking in snow easier? like feelers. If you are using poles on your board, you should get skis to match.
  7. I think that grab is called a reach-around. skiers without poles are almost more gay than snowboarders with them.
  8. fwiw, a wicket is the metal triangle ring that traditional sticky tickets glued themselves too. Many people pride themselves in never cutting them off and seeing how many wicketed tickets they can stack on their zippers. wicket your ticket on your front zipper so it can whip your face like skiing through a thicket.
  9. that seems to be the way it goes, eh? on a positive note, it's all growing and those opportunities will defntly come again.
  10. mmmm. structure... don't slip on your bum in the lift line. and I look forward to hearing how easy it was and how you're not exhausted. If you notice nothing, then we're all a bunch of worthless know-nothings who should be on sheets of ply-wood. Have fun in hokkaido, *cough-prick-cough*
  11. a guy in tokyo who owns the resort wrote the standards at what speeds the motors that drive the chairs should function. he doesn't ski, just owns the business. He's the same guy that says skiing off piste is dangerous and therefor not allowed. Nobody is allowed to disagree with him as he is the elder, the ceo and pays their salary. In fact, when being spoken to by him, it is best to stare at the floor. often during storms and power-outages, a diesel engine runs the chairs, and they are often slower than usual. It's nice riding during power-outages, though.
  12. I'm pretty sure that that cowbell segment was a rip-off of a traditional fis event. Will farrell is supposed to be Tomba's dad. And for each of the five Gold Medals that Tomba won, Mr, Cowbell of the Blue Oyster Cult bought his son a Ferrari. (the ferrari part is true.)
  13. Quote: Originally posted by quattro: you guys are worse then a bunch of drunks at a funeral. You could at least try to keep at a little civil. Suppose the family or friends of this guy use this forum. They would most likely think were all a bunch of spoiled brats that happen to live were there is some great skiing. Ok so this guy is not famous , no one seems to know him and yes there are people dieing in other parts of the world so what. I did not see this type of bickering back and fort when Doug Coombs dided. But then again he was famous. RIP very civil, thank you. coombs wasn
  14. it's just relative, oyuki. this is closer to home. I don't know how many japanese skiers have died. But I do pay attention when my sport takes a hit. It hits home more than other news. You're right though, I should pay more attention elsewhere.
  15. MSP came in PUSH. They did a HORRIBLE job though. Perhaps the weather didn't cooperate. It's sad (or good for the time being) that the world isn't getting more exposure. More people pushing the boundaries would only help our sport here before the masses actually became a problem and lines became scarce. How about sno-mos? Are they legal in the valleys I see around the resorts? That would make getting out of some of the bigger lines much easier. If I remember correctly, it seemed that most of those God lines not only funneled out, but ended a few km's from the road. (I know you don'
  16. yeah, I remember every line funneling and closing out. I remember my problem-solving dilemmas were not about getting to, but out of those lines.
  17. well, I'm not planning on holding a comp, just saw the terrain and the word comp screamed at me. I don't know the area all that well, just one week-long trip. The comps that occur in the world are not really considered safe by most people's definition of the word. The skiers on the other hand, take their safety into their own hands. The guys who pioneered AK never stopped at the word safe. Yes, they keep it as safe as they can and AK can be argued as safer than hakuba, nonetheless... I wouldn't let it detur those willing to invest. I know there is alot I don't know about hakuba, but as o
  18. Quote: Originally posted by Oyuki kigan: Sorry Coldcat. i do feel bad for those that die uneccassaily, but an entire thread dedicated to some guy that died from his own mistake compared to the thousands that die unnoticed or uncared for seems a little racist to me. Racist? I don't even know what color he was, nor did I ever think to inquire. And I would further appreciate it if nobody told me.
  19. how is the bell ride compared to one in a squirrel or an A-star? The squirrel and A-star are very different themselves, and the bell? does it dive up-side down? Will I see the ground above me? btw--- where is that shot? And can you use another verb in your 'field trip' sentence? wakanai.
  20. Quote: Originally posted by thursday: yeah, that teaches you to not enter contests when you cannot reap the benefits. huh???
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