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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by entropy

  1. Quote: Originally posted by charlotte: I like some of the Scissor Sisters songs. They're fun sounding and good for a dance. Ditto! I'm also listening to Peaches' latest album - it's awesome.
  2. We only ever had cats, birds and fish. I always wanted a dog but mum used to pretend she was allergic because she didn't want the house getting wrecked.
  3. Yeah we have lots of those here in Aus.
  4. I can just picture your Saturday nights from now on, sitting in front of Burkes Backyard!
  5. I'm not Japanese but I do like to clean every day, not obsessively but just so everything's tidy. I'm quite pedantic about having the kitchen and bathroom clean, nothing more disgusting than a grotty sink or toilet.
  6. No, I only eat live cockroaches. Fresh is best!
  7. So true! My boyfriend refuses to eat anything 'low fat' and I love going out to dinner so when we moved in together we both put on a few kilos. It was a good motivator for us both to start excercising again.
  8. Arriving at work and finding a dead cockroach on my desk! Nice.
  9. Goemon did you photoshop that? What's it about anyway?
  10. First post, hi! SubZero I can answer your question because I work with her and have to listen to it on a daily basis! She cracks her back by twisting around in her seat until her back makes a cracking sound. I'm not sure what benefits the cracking achieves but it makes me cringe. I too am guilty of the impulse buying habit although I'm not as bad as I used to be.
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