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Go Native

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Go Native

  1. Working today.... Would be good as it looks like it's going to warm up over the weekend so today would be the best of the pow. Not to worry though it's a long season ahead. Thinking of heading out backcountry on Sunday.
  2. A little warmer today, already up to about -3 with some very light snow falling. Last night saw a pretty good fall of around 15cm so conditions should be great for opening day.
  3. Been dumping in HIrafu for most of the day. It's been windy too with blowing snow, so there's sure to be some good drifting up high. Lifts open tomorrow on about a 50cm base down low and 1m+ up high.
  4. This article gives a good overview of Korean's in Japan. One thing is for sure never believe what Japanese tell you about their own history as the government makes sure they cut out all the bad stuff in their education system. For instance I have never met a Japanese person who knew that Japan had bombed and planned an invasion of Australia.
  5. bella fatty's is gone mate, the trucks pulled out many months ago now.
  6. WannaB I had a chat to Wazza today and he said he has some vacancy. PM me your email and I will send you his contact details. For some reason I am not able to PM you...
  7. Mama as you can see in the shot they actually groom the ridge to make it an easier climb and you can ski down the way you come up which is pretty easy. The bright area near the horizon is The Pacific Ocean and from the top you also get a good look down onto the Sea of Japan. And that guy is probably hunched over from the wind, it's usually blowing a gale up there.
  8. Originally Posted By: Fattwins I didnt say topo maps GN just maps. They did teach you to add number up right. 18 degrees plus 19 degrees equals flat. Well you've mostly been referring to topo maps hence the assumption...
  9. He's probably too busy getting up as quick as he can before heading back down in time for work! God love him though as I know no one else around here with as much enthusiasm. Well at least we didn't really get any rain today. The snow was very wet in the village but it has helped consolidate the base and it is now below freezing again and plenty of snow forecast over the next few days. Should be plenty of cover for top to bottom skiing for opening day. Not thinking of skiing this weekend myself as off piste wont be great and I'm really not into skiing on piste all day.
  10. Originally Posted By: Fattwins Dont worry some people cant handle the truth or just cant read maps. Reading maps is a skill we learn in school. Is it really? The vast people I've known in my life couldn't read a topo map if you paid em...Don't think it's part of any of the normal curricula I know of. You must have been a boy scout fatts?
  11. Never underestimate just how xenophobic people are in this country. Remember also that the hawkes in the LDP have been gaining more and more power over the years and have run a pretty good propaganda campaign against the evils of foreigners. Japanese being the sort of brainwashed automatums that they are, will believe most of what the government tells them. I mean god forbid anyone here would actually question authority! This fingerprinting is probably the thin edge of the wedge. We'll probably find many many more people being refused working visas and permanent residency become damn near impo
  12. Absolutely puking down in the village currently, it's wet but better than rain. Up top it should be awesome. Overnight it will get cold again and tomorrow should top us up with a fair amount of fresh dry snow.
  13. I see it as purely a political gambit. The Japanese government has been spreading propaganda about foreign crime for years and of course being the mindwashed sheep that they are the Japanese have accepted it all. Such measures will appeal to the xenophobic masses in this society and that's the only reason they are doing it...so they appear to be tough on us big bad gaijin.
  14. Well it's currently puking down wet snow in the village, better than the rain I thought might happen. Still might be some rain later but overall probably a good thing to pack down and solidify the base.
  15. Looks like it's going to bucket down rain in the village for much of today. It should turn back to snow late in the day and then snow heavily overnight and tomorrow.
  16. Originally Posted By: SerreChe It is a bit of a worry how the N area mentionned is so easily accessible by many. Seems like only a matter of time 'til somebody gets tagged in a bad way. GN, some of your comments about going it alone w/o gear etc... is a bit of a worry. Time for you to find a buddy as addicted as you are this season so that you are not on your own too often. Serre I've been skiing well over 20 years now in many places around the world so I have a little avvie awareness and I don't take silly risks. I do find it amazing though just how incredibly stable the snowpack here g
  17. Not sure if I can be all that much help. I see Waza most days so I can ask if he has any space. I think most of his accom will be taken up by staff though. There was a place in Kutchan that was offering long term accom for Y40,000 per month but I'm pretty sure they are full for the season. Anyway I'll ask around and see if anyone knows of anything.
  18. As others have pointed out the North bowl in that shot is no more than a 20 min hike from the top lift (have skied it many times). And you can ski out to the base of Hanazono with a little traversing. CB is right though that those bowls can and do slide. A guide would be useful if it's your first time up there as it is rarely as clear as in that photo. Still I've never had avie gear there as I've almost always skied it solo. I remember the first time I dropped down into that bowl, I could barely see 30 feet ahead and literally had no idea where I was going but it was a great adventure! It isn'
  19. Probably got enough from it to enjoy retirement....he'll be sadly missed.
  20. fattwins I am interested in exactly why you are so passionate about this issue. I mean are you seriously going to post topo maps??! Why do you never miss an opportunity to put Niseko down? Why do you care that so many people love Niseko? At the end of the day what is it that bothers you so damn much that you feel compelled on numerous forums to try and make people feel like idiots for thinking that the skiing is amazing at Niseko? I for one am not asking you to come to Niseko as I couldn't care less whether you like the place or not. It would just be nice for people to be able to enter th
  21. The funny thing is Australia has some of the most energy efficient building regulations anywhere. The problem though is that although all new houses are much more efficient that they were 30 years ago they are also on average much much bigger. Everyone wants to live in massive homes and any savings that may have been made from the efficient building practices have been lost to the building size increases. Mama there are many different types of renewable energy sources that could make a big difference but whilst coal is still so cheap and easily accessible nothing is going to change any t
  22. If you had another 100 mill in Aus you'd just have a whole heap more of those power stations. Australia's reliance on coal powered stations is the problem...
  23. I see the same thing all the time happening now with adults in relationships. Guys wanting to go out for a drink with their mates making up all kinds of stories to tell their wives. I wonder if these were the same kids who grew up lying to their parents the whole time?
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