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Everything posted by eskimobasecamp

  1. uhhhhh betty's late - must be putting on her makeup... yehhhh baby it's onsen time for betty and i - yehh yesterday we were talking about filming HAHAHA, but not for you - it's all for the japanese boys and you know it!
  2. anyway time to go meet seeeeexy bettyx! boys, are you jealous?!! HAHAHA!
  3. yeh i know what you are talking about, but you know how much i LOVE the tunes, it's what it's all about - when the mountain is quiet i turn it up - when i'm in the trees, i'll take them out (next time)... but YOU KNOW mr. ft what it does to me HAHAHA, you know!!!!
  4. seriously though, the smoking thing is total bollocks - i hate that, amazing fresh mountain air - you're up there engaging in a vaguely energetic activity - and people pull out the fags?! it's so disgusting, should be banned no question.
  5. yeh yeh totally - and people who just get waaaaaay too carried away listening to the tunes and start dancing and singing on lifts and just anywhere that takes their fancy, rudeboys all of em.
  6. yeh yeh runaway snowboards with no owners! what is that all about? i caught one on skyline on sunday, yehh alright i didnt catch it, it almost knocked me over - and then no one claimed it - so either they are falling from the heavens these days or some idiot lost it miles up the hill. yehh that and people who never say anything but 'i can't hear you, the beats are too loud on the pod' - how rude is that????????????! cough...
  7. FT - can i come with you? i'll dance for you later and in the office again =) yeeehhhhhh ps - i'm driving the skidoo ok
  8. Toque - yes spectacularly coherent... tho perhaps i wasn't haha - how did you know who i was? Or did FT tell you i'd be there with crew of japanese boys (just for a change) Am i that infamous haha? FT - you've seen my moves, hope you can keep up hahaha =) So this weekend is the ski-party challenge... who can make it to SJ and then onto Q-tips and then onto the hill the next day and actually be coherent to instruct? More morning dancing might be called for and i'm not just talking about me tramp!!
  9. sasbanger??? what you talking about tramp?? emmm apologies toque, FT slightly exaggerating me saying i met you, didnt comment on the state of your f****d up-ness - hahaha sounds like you are having a wicked time though, just doing the apres ski partying. yehh anyway, nice to have met you briefly, see you at the SJ party on saturday... FT - are you gonna dance with me????
  10. ft - sorry no reply, back to my... ahem... other job yesterday =( going wild with the ice everyday don't worry! ankle is not 100% and pretty painful to walk on today, but skied on it on sunday (what a stunning day, beautiful snow too) but then ended up teaching in the afternoon after one run by myself to test the ankle - seemed to be better then after many applications of ice, tiger balm and some random cream i used after a frostbite incident last year (don't ask!) you got back to kyoto minus insane traffic jams this time?? see you back in the snow on the w/end! toque - hahaha pic is f
  11. ohhhh i think i recognise that?! yeeep it's a sweeet pic, and i took it on my very professional and advanced camera (fubuki - don't you wish you had equipment like me?).... official photographer that day hahaha..... yo fubuki, wish i had caught your jump on camera, cause it was HOT!!!!!!! see ya later guys...
  12. hahaha snow, snow and MORE snow = pooooooowder baby and ski patrol visibility at zero, it doesn't get better than this, lovin it. intro, agreed - what indeed is wrong with these people?? the crew in hakuba (fattwins et al) - we are having a wild time on the mountain just now. but hey if people are not lovin it, well MORE powder for us, which is fine by me. seeeee you on the mountain... maybe.
  13. Hahaha yehh -25 in January for a few days when i lived there, but usually around -17 or colder... but they have central heating in Sweden, unlike Japan, so it's OK!!!!
  14. There's a small resort called Borlange, about 3 hours (by bus) NW of Stockholm - you could try and check that one out - it's small but it's probably the nearest. If you want some decent action - head to Salen or Are - but they are quite a bit further, maybe not possible if you only have a few days?! Apart from that, there is a dry ski slope which ends up covered in snow in winter in Sodermalm, the south island in Stockholm - transport is impressive in Stockholm, so it wouldn't be that hard to get to from central Stockholm. Check this web url for more accurate info on skiing in Sthlm -
  15. Fat skis? Was gonna take my carvers up on Saturday - hahahaha haven't been out on them once since i got the Public Enemys.... fatties it is then!!! What you guys doing Saturday night?!! Are you skiing Sunday too?? Ohhh man no afternoon classes again, need to make my grand escape onto Happo shortly woooooo!
  16. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Should manage a few cheeky runs on Happo tomorrow too! See ya on the weekend FT!
  17. school?! what you talkin about? there's snow in hakuba... no school for me, only skiing baby!!!!
  18. see you all there! hakuba is gonna rock this weekend!! was on happo today, fun in the powder and we just about had the mountain to ourselves, no one else there wooo!! see you all this weekend then! ho ho ho let it snow indeeeeed!
  19. Ohh man it is like mid-january, amazing compared to last year!!!!!! It just won't stop snowing, fantastic!!! Though getting back into my house today could be interesting hahaha!
  20. Just walked back over to my house now - what a mission - and it just keeps on snowing (yeeaahhhh!) well over the knee deep on the ground in hakuba!!! LOVE IT!!! Though my house is a tad cold aaahh!
  21. Uhhh ohh too late now - and it's clear skies in Hakuba today... see you at Happo! Actually i feel really bad about this, but there is no way i was going to pass the test, though that's not a great excuse either... emmmm.... i didn't really study, i spent most of autumn on rollerblades with my ski team students and going rockclimbing. If i didn't live in Hakuba and have the view i do from my house, probably i would do the test!!! Next year, next year.... and this time i'll really study i promise!! Good luck to all the sensible people doing the test!!
  22. Had a wicked day on Goryu today... light fluffy powder!! Am seriously contemplating (ok have already decided) missing the japanese test tomorrow in favour of Happo!!!!! Anyone else with me on this one?!!!
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