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About cmallery

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  1. Hello, I can't seem to find any contacts (in English) for the ski associations and/or clubs in Japan. Can someone point me in the right direction? thanks. clarke
  2. …could be true. Anyway, learned from another board, the place is called Pingtian. www.pingtianresorts.com I’ve skied what’s supposed to be China’s best (Yabuli) and wasn’t impressed. Maybe this will be better. Thanks again.
  3. I’ve heard of a big new ski resort being built in Xinjiang Province. Has anyone ever skied in China? What’s it like? Are there any ski tour packages to China from Tokyo?
  4. I'm thinking about trying out the slopes in China. Don't know if people from Japan go there, but if anyone has, please make some recommendations. thanks. c.
  5. Hello. I’m doing a small study for an article of “pet peeves” (small or large complaints) people have when they go on ski and/or snowboarding trips. What drives you nuts? I already know all about the poor etiquette some “bad apples” display, so I’m more interested in what you find most disappointing about the runs, facilities, food, hotels, transportation, staff, over-promising tour brochures or anything that made your trip less of a pleasure than you would want. Also, what things have made your trip really special? Would appreciate your opinions. Thank you Clarke
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