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Everything posted by eskimobasecamp

  1. today the crew headed out for some misadventure on the hills under blazing blue skies. armed with shovels, a sound system, beers & liftie dodging tactics we went on a mini shred mission... the crew were AK, ebc, yanik, simon, bob & ryan. we found ourselves in the hakuba norikura backcountry in a sweet zone i had spied out from tsugaike last sunday when i was skiing the park there. we found a perfect set up and shaped a sweet quarter pipe and a booter, switched on some sexy house music, cracked open some beers and let the session begin..... simon throws down hand plant
  2. ooooh those polka dot pants would match AK's new custom board - unless he went for the grandma ninja option? photos of your artwork please AK.
  3. hahaha thanks ben for the vote of encouragement, but i'm not sure if me straightairing off a quite small kicker counts as big air... but you never know ha ha. when is the competition? ohh ok april 1st. other details? how much to enter?
  4. oyuki - thanks for the super duper deluxe park review.... nice one if i'm right, i think i have a free ticket for there... thanks ben! might just come over and check it out, would really like to. am torn between that, and using my hakuba valley pass while i can before it runs out though speaking of free tickets, i got stoked on park too yesterday, thanks to SJ - i used my free ticket to tsugaike and spent the day in the very well maintained terrain park they have up top there. the snow was perfect for park yesterday, perfect - and the park dudes are out there keeping it
  5. 14-ML-5776-ML- This thread has been moved to the Trip Reports forum area.
  6. Quote: Originally posted by TJ OZ: ....so I had no other option than to drop in as this guy was contemplating his next move. You snooze you lose. i did that on monday too lol, right down a nice avi gate line sweeet as. TJ - i have a copy of the newspaper, your hair looks well messy in the photo, sort it out bruv. ps - gym?
  7. actually no, billy poole was there, but the first shot is of bryce phillips
  8. PS - TJ we are in the newspaper today, colour photos and all LOL
  9. Quote: Originally posted by TJ OZ: I have a date with some trees.
  10. waiting for the bc pickup simon grat quad air hungover sunday sessions, the answer --- big sunglasses baby
  11. here's a few shots from the past couple of weeks of fun.... bp kills it at cortina kina & billy team kanouka kuma drops in - happo bc kuma - happo bc simon - happo bc simon - happo bc phil waiting for bp to hike up
  12. yeh we had fun out there yesterday, for the last hour cameras were packed away, and we ripped the lift line hard and fast lap after lap, everyone whooping and yelling the whole way down, everyone just totally lost it. it's a nice feeling skiing as fast as guys who get paid to do it, i love being out there with amazing riders - i pushed the agression levels up a notch or 2 yesterday. the morning backside of cortina session was really interesting for me to experience, watching how the guys set up there shots. they got some smooth tree footage and 2 of the athletes dropped the dam in bet
  13. Quote: Originally posted by Fattwins: yeah ebc took them to cortina today in hopes of finding some snow. yesterday was..... O F F T H E H O O K B A B Y ! ! ! the wink crew loved it and we killed it, front side, back side, dam style, tree well crashes, pillow jibs, face shots, cat track drops, lift line madness, donuts in the car park.... patrol where were u? totally totally ill.... man i love skiing closed areas
  14. Quote: Originally posted by WantToSki: am im correct to assume that most skiers/boarders here in SJ are the BC types? how do you guys/gals started out on BC? did you first do it while in your home country (mine is a tropical country, so no hope of that), or after you came to Japan? is it difficult to learn? are there any pre-requisites? how do i begin on jumping on the bandwagon? HA are you joking?! i'd say a handful of skiers/boarders on SJ are BC types..... usually people are talking about what colour of ski poles they use on here..... if you want to see a real forum full of BC stoke
  15. on day 35.... wishing i was here... http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78798 and here... http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78591
  16. not much snow here this year... alaska will be good in april though.
  17. i skied park on saturday and just wore a t-shirt under my shell jacket HOT HOT HOT baby
  18. from nagano city to hakuba on the olympic road is 1 hour, sometimes just under..... don't take the route 406
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