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Everything posted by misorano

  1. Quote: you know youre an oyaji if you love oyaji gags Not gags mate, my life story.
  2. Maybe you should pee in his fridge!! Then he'd at least have something to complain about.
  3. Indo: Calling a land line in NZ seems to have a delay and the people sound as if they are on drugs. (Maybe they are)
  4. Yama: If you're in a major center then have you thought of getting a wireless card for your computer. Japanese do not seem to be security concious, and leave there networks open (esp. If the install them themselves). Last time I was in Tokyo I was able to log on pretty much anywhere anytime.
  5. Sunrise: We use Skype for all our international calls. Still a bit dodgy to call online if the other end is halfway around the world and on a dial up line. SnowGlider: Isn't ADSL the same as a phone line? Tsonda: The IP phone (hikari denwa) is what we use. It's cut our phone bill from 30,000+ a month to under 10,000yen). In the old days you used to have to dial a code etc, but now it's just like a regular phone. One thing you need to check is to see if the IP phones can call an emergency number.
  6. Nags: What! No panel discussion, where they truck in the "experts"? Sorry mate, but it can't be considered a day of meetings unless there is a panel discussion in there.
  7. Maoriboy: It is a shocker. I agree the Maori version is better. First time I heard it sung at an AB match was at twickenham. It was sung without music, and it silenced the crowd. Just one person singing in front of 60,000+. Great reply to playing away from home. (Still a bit weird as no one back then knew the words)
  8. E Ihowā Atua, O ngā iwi mātou rā Āta whakarongona; Me aroha noa Kia hua ko te pai; Kia tau tō atawhai; Manaakitia mai Aotearoa
  9. Bit different, but I always get peeved at the way Japanese are told when to applaud.
  10. UG: Sounds like a guy with too much time on his hands. Not the sort of customer you want anyway (high maintenance - low return). You're better off without him. Chalk it up to experience and go with the customers who are worth keeping.
  11. Kansai is more attitude than Hogen. Other good thing about Kansai is that the people are more adaptable and cover your ass if you make a cock up. Dialects may be interesting and colorful, but it can be damn near impossible to understand what they are saying.
  12. Quote: Give me a good kimuchi nabe any day INDO: I'm with you mate. Kimuchi anything goes down well. Great with those frozen gyoza.
  13. Keigo is not a prob. At least it's understandable. Hogen's get me. Moving from Miyazaki, where everything is -chaga, and yodaki, to Nagano makes you feel like a real hick.
  14. You know you're an Oyaji if your wife keeps all the cash cards in her purse, even the one's with your name on them.
  15. Quote: Because if I put any reading material there, I wonder they get stinking. Gams: Japan is the air freshener capital of the world. My wife has the spray and stick type in there. The little ones are a little off target at times and we need something to knock out the odor. Current magazine of choice is 松本・安曇野・白馬 るるぶ. Can't find your place in there though
  16. Gams: If the toilet seat warmer is switched on, it is one of the most comfortable places in the house on cold mornings. Short stories and magazines are best. Other thing I like to do is read in the bath. I usually have a novel set aside for this.
  17. You know you're an Oyaji if there's more reading material in the toilet than any other room in the house.
  18. "Ki ai" sucks. Don't need images of Animal Hamazaki in my mind. I hate the zo on the end of some verbs i.e. ganbaruzo On the other hand, Otsukare is a useful term that fills in a lot of gaps. But back to the topic, what is the extra Japanese taste (flavor) that has no equiv. in other languages?
  19. Yama: I have to type in all the guests name to send to hotels. Having a button that converts to katakana is a time saver. I think there are 2 systems for entering Japanese into computers. There is ATOK (from Just system)and the microsoft one (IME??) I think the 半角/全角/漢字 button is different on each system. All it does on our is change the keyboard from direct input (English) into Japanese Input (Romaji typing comes out as Hiragana)
  20. You know you're an Oyaji if you can fart in public without getting embarassed.
  21. I use the f7 button a bit as it changes hiragana to katakana.
  22. You know you're an Oyaji if you need a mirror to see your willy.
  23. Davo: Reason I asked was that when I quit my job at a Priv. HS they tried to stiff me out of the retirement pay. Went through the Labor dept. etc and wound up in court. They ended up settling. Sounds like you have it good though. Esp. if you are keeping the clients as privates. Enjoy the freedom Funny language English. Adding "off" totally changes the meaning doesn't it.
  24. Yama: Watch out for F11. That's the self destruct button.
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