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Everything posted by bushpig

  1. kuma, the point is that if you save once for jpeg with edits, yeah it gets slightly decreased, but if you go back and slightly change an edit, then you are still working on the original, not the resaved version. So you don't get a double loss. Just the one. FT, I know that, and will get there. I'm just taking my time until I have my head around it a bit better. RAW takes more fiddling, because you are not leaving the WB, etc up to the camera. So you have to manually go back and set it yourself. More time consuming. So I wanna have a good workflow down pat before I jump into that.
  2. Indo, did you hold off on sending money home? I did and am bloody glad! The Aus dollar is almost back down to 90 against the yen now!
  3. LR = Lightroom Kuma, true, but LR works on the original and any new changes or adjustments are made to the original, not to a resaved jpeg, so the loss is minimal.
  4. Still very early on for us, but I get on well with BPGs parents. Like her, they are very laid back, and we have had no probs yet. Although we live a long way away. Like Mamabear said, if you put in the effort, I think there shouldn't be much more than the occasional probs that are bound to arise - usually concerning boundaries I think.
  5. Nothin to worry about! I thought you were talking a man eater!
  6. Snobee, it was reopened this last weekend, so no probs now. And they were starting to go hard at the jinko yuki so with this weather they should have been able to get a good base and keep it on the valley side. Mizuho got dumped on on Sunday (and possibly through today, so it should be fine for this weekend with the reports showing snow all the way through
  7. Awesome mate! Good luck (mostly to the missus! )
  8. Yeah, there are a lot of dole-bludgers, and those kinds of labour no doubt do attract a certain type of person (for locals).
  9. No tix booked yet, but aiming at April 18(ish) Then Sing/Malaysia/Maldives/ SW WA!!
  10. I have mate. I also have a decent program (LR). There are a few things I want to get used to before going full hog with it though. I have seen the difference, and while they are certainly more tweakable, they are not always noticeably better quality. For pros who are aiming at massive poster size stuff, then the added tweakability is no doubt good. LR does a pretty damn good job even with JPEGs.
  11. Yeah I know mate, but I want to get my head around it first, rather than have a backlog of pics to have to go back on. I know RAW is better, but you can still edit jpegs quite well.
  12. hamish, try a search on the site. There is loads of info and discussions on all of this.
  13. Originally Posted By: Fattwins BP seriously start shooting more in RAW! I intend to at some point FT, but I must ask... Why?
  14. Helmet makes sense even on piste. This has been discussed quite a bit on here, so try a search I took a spill on piste (kinda - I was poaching a small powder stash right on the edge) and my helmet certainly saved my a big headache. I never board without now. Warmth factor is good too
  15. Maybe Fossil can chime in here about medical facilities. He is in the industry (I think)
  16. And I agree with Spook. The perception of the laid-back (perhaps slacker) work ethic in Aus doesn't ring true in my opinion. And from what I hear any hint of that has disappeared even more in the last 20 years or so. Here, people work longer hours, but could get the same work done much quicker. It's a matter of efficiency. I'm basing this only on what I have seen in the school system here. The one company I worked in here was different. People were very busy all day actually working. BPGs company now is the opposite though. In any case, most Aussies I know are quite hard working, but will get
  17. Hmmm, nah mejane, you have to bear in mind that in most of the capital cities there are large enough populations to warrant fairly decent facilities in that regard. If you live in the country, then you do have to travel to the cities for some specialized things, but the cities are generally well supplied. My impression is that they are less up to date here in Japan in the medical industry. Of course if you pay the cash and go to Tokyo or one of the other big centers, then you can get the best, but that applies to Aus too.
  18. The big few are decent enough Rach. The smallest place I have been to was literally 2 minutes from top to bottom! But the bigger ones are fine.
  19. last weekend was great for that down here, but not so good snow-wise.
  20. Nah, the weather was too crap for pics! Snowing all day! I got a few pics of BPG boarding, but that's it.
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