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Everything posted by muikabochi

  1. I think more than a few of us go a bit crazy with the eating when going back to home countries. I know I do, especially the first week or so. Luckily I slow down a bit after that.
  2. Not the best of weather for a Mt Granview experience, but I think MagSeven had already alerted the authorities. It's good knowing he went prepared though. I'm sure he'll be fine.
  3. I'd say generally its more balanced around here. Still more boarders than skiers though overall.
  4. It's great for that authentic 70's/80's vibe... at modern prices!
  5. I'm excited for you! Cloud seems to be the forecast for the day, with a high of near 30 degrees. Should be borderline cold up there on the peaks of Mt Granview. Have fun!
  6. Just think of all the food and beer eating next week!
  7. Ridiculous rain again late last night and into early morning. Why does it have to be so.....extreme!?
  8. Kirin getting into "craft" (ji?) beers?  キリンビールは16日、小規模な醸造所で造る「クラフトビール(地ビール)」事業を始めると発表した。 Spring Valley Brewery
  9. A rather cloudy start here, looks like a bit of rain. Lots of little errands to do today, lots of them I don't like doing.
  10. The whole mad make up / plastic fake thing is a no-no with me. Not in the least bit attractive.
  11. It means though that Mt Granview will be "on the way" to Yuzawa rather than you having to turn north to get there. Can't miss the soaring peaks.
  12. Hey, what is 脱法ハーブ? Seems to be the boom news story right now doesn't it.
  13. I think on the news last night it said 41 years. (And 8 years for Japan?)
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