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Oyuki kigan

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Oyuki kigan

  1. Bindings are for pussies. snowsk8ing and noboarding are the future. Those computer-usin', chalk-bag slingin' fasion victims are jive turkeys. Almost as much as me
  2. Um, what about every chorus of every japanese pop song ever made?
  3. I really liked how the "Global Warming and Japan" article was so optimistic. Unnatural climate change is unpredictable, WARM (ie no snow) and pretty much sucks all around.
  4. Yeah. They are a little too bling for me, but the price was right ($145 CAN). As soon as i put a little money away on my board, i'll take it out for a shred. That might be a while, because i still haven't started work yet, and i'm running low on funds. I'll start friday though, which i am looking forward too. I haven't had anything to take my mind off Jen lately, and hard drugs aside, a distraction would be nice. I hope you two are well and i'll let you know how the JET thing goes. I applied for north Nagano, Iwate, and Akita in that order. But we'll see if i even get on.
  5. I've got a pair set up on my new board, but i haven't taken it out yet. All my roomates rock them and say they are great. By the way, how is Hokkaido treating you? Are you going up soon?
  6. As far as i know (which is not a hell of a lot, Spanky's is not open. Neither is Glacier Express or 7th heaven. It has snowed enough to ride from Rendezvous to the base. The park has a few rails and boxes up, a tabletop, and the snow taco, i mean halppipe with no flatbottom is cut. My friends took my through Fraggle Rock and almost did me in.
  7. Right after the elections, Canada's immigration website had a record number of hits.
  8. I did it when my girlfriend was on JET about 4 years ago. We stayed at the Penke Panke (rad place) and had a great time. I wholeheartedly endorse this event. Its the bee's knees, holmes.
  9. Thanks for the info. My friends and i at Cypress ski hill (just outside of Vancouver)were stenciling that same phrase (along with 'ANTI-BLING')all over our stuff. I will try the backflips later on, but my knee won't take the one-footed stuff. As for the grabs, the board's graphics won't let me do it any other way.
  10. Stepchild, where did you get your quote? I have that stenciled on the back of my jacket.
  11. I got this years Travis Parker from capita. It is the most retarded, raddest board ever. All i gotta do is get some burton Cartels on a referral program and i will put it to the snow. We'll see how the twin swallow tail works in pow...
  12. Whistler is kinda icy, with only the top 1/3 of the mountains open. Been 3 times so far, but a September knee injury is keeping me from fully experiencing the hill. It is snowing now, with 20cm expected by morning, with another storm on its way.
  13. the japanese kids i talk to all say he is really smart.
  14. Whistler was icy and crowded yesterday. But way better than not riding.
  15. I'm sue dokuman would be happy at the lack of negativity about BND in the posts this time around.
  16. Buy Nothing Day is world-wide, but still not that popular yet. Places with a strong activist population (Canada/US northwest) have lots of participation. The main push behind this (in north america) is from a Vancouver-based magazine called Adbusters. http://adbusters.org Japan has almost no critisism of consumer culture as i am aware of (no japanese person i have talked to knows what a sweatshop is, why anyone would boycott nike, and even knows the kanji word for "exploitation")and is one of the last place where this is any news of BND. And no magazine like adbusters. As it is a huge coms
  17. just for the season. And then if i'm lucky, i'll be back in Japan on JET.
  18. I want to get the Kybher (Prior's version of the Fish). Sincle i'll be over there, i am going to see if they can laminate a japanese prayer for powder (my online name) written on paper into the core.
  19. Can't be any worse than Cypress. And any natural snow is still a million times better than manmade
  20. I'm off. To Whistler that is. I don't know how much computer access i'll have up there, so i don't know when i'll post again. But if you have the chance, come on up and shred the gnar (or at least show me how). Later, sk8ers
  21. There is a name for super-wet snow. We call it 'concrete'. As in fresh, heavy concrete before it sets.
  22. Yeah, they look good. Burton has a lower-end binding (the custom) and a mid-range binding (mission) with them. They are a staple on all the high-end ones. Now, i'm not a big fan of (hurtin') Burton, but i will admit that they make good bindings. They are a good place to start if you are looking at getting a pair. Or even ask in the classifieds on this website and somebody might be able to hook you up with a decent used pair.
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