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Retired Morris Dancer

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Retired Morris Dancer

  1. Those numbers are impressive. And they seem to be taking their time to get smaller as well, hey?
  2. I'm working right through actually - and taking my holidays off when places aren't busy. Smart I think!
  3. Well? I have only been able to go twice but I had some wonderful snow at Shiga Kogen. Timing was perfect. Love that place. I've found a group of amateur morris dancers as well which has really put a smile on my face. I never thought I'd see a Japanese group
  4. Is there a DVD of his that anyone can particularly recommend?
  5. Is there a Japanese name/phrase for that kind of haircut that Horiemon has - you know short but sticky up in all directions?
  6. Thats a very good quote. It could also well apply to the pleasures of morris dancing.
  7. I really like photos taken from lifts (either going up or looking back). Anyone taking cameras to the slopes.... please take lift pics and post them! Onegai. (RockyV has some good ones!)
  8. I bet you have to go to immigration about 5 times as well. As you do.
  9. I say fun as well. I might even try it this year if conditions are right. The few times I've been nighta though it's been rather icy.
  10. There seem to be a fair few car owners here. Let's polling it.
  11. Do people on here with cars stick all their gear in the back/trunk or do you have one of those container things that goes on top of the car?
  12. Quote: like most things in windows its fairly self explanatory once you're looking at it. - joke, right?
  13. I enjoyed that book. Actually I'm really getting through a lot of stuff recently. 5 books since the beginning of September, for me that is a lot. Amazon are doing well out of me.
  14. I'm sure you'd do just fine BPC writing as normal. And if you submit it they will probably go over it and edit anyway.
  15. My dreams, well the ones I remember all seem to be about sex or accidents/disasters.
  16. The cover I have for my ipod is called "Carry Case (in katakana) smart" by a company called Arvel. About 2000 yen I think it was. You can recharge without taking it out. and its pretty good. ipod is completely covered.
  17. I like going with people who are a bit better than me and learn from em/
  18. Unofficially part of my job is to speak English at work.
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