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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by maoriboy

  1. How about the "Im your friend until I find a boy/girlfriend then I wont even return your emails or calls" friend? Had a few of them I have. and yeah misorano...my Japanese rugby playing friends are the best guys to hang out with.
  2. God of Nations at thy feet!!! Sounds truly awful in English, the Maori version is a little better sounding but still bad.
  3. My pavlova source Pavlova info and for those of us not inclined to checking out the site heres the quote.. Quote: I come not to raise the pavlova issue again but to bury it. This, I believe, should be the final word on the origins of the pav and comes from the following highly authoritative AUSTRALIAN reference: M.Symons, "One continuous picnic: a history of eating in Australia", Duck Press, Adelaide, 1982. There's a long section on the Pav, its recipe and its origins but I'll excerpt the most important bits: "A symphony of silence! So Pavlova has been described," began the
  4. hmmm when I first looked at this threads title I at first thought is said Getting laid...oh how I was disappointed
  5. hahaha he's another one that Australia can claim as their own Davo...Just like Russell Crowe, pavlovas and Split Enz
  6. How about as a cellphone? take a big box, write numbers on the front and there you go! Oh dont forget to cut out armholes or you wont be able to reach that drink
  7. Doh!!! I forgot to add this link Garden helper might help you and any other budding grower. oh and a quote from another website Plant site Quote: Maintaining a Potted Rosemary Move your potted rosemary back outdoors once all danger of frost has past. As with most potted plants, the soil in your rosemary pot will degenerate through watering and root growth. Repot at least once a year. Spring is a good time to repot your rosemary, but it should be fine no matter what time of year you get to it. When the rosemary plant puts out conside
  8. yeah I wouldnt trim the roots...I was thinking more like trimming the above ground pieces...
  9. take care of yourself Im Sexy. Being sick is always terrible. Im lucky in the fact I rarely catch colds or flus. My co-workers arent so lucky however
  10. Im pretty sure you can cut back a rosemary bush quite a lot and it will grow back thick and strong...so prune away
  11. thats too bad Im Sexy. What you need is a nice guy to take care of you. Im available tomorrow
  12. yeah the kissing thing is a bit strange I reckon, but I have no problem with hugging family, friends and even the taxi driver (if Ive imbibed too much ). You can pretty much say Im a hug slut
  13. So what was the outcome of the confrontation O11? did they pay up?
  14. Umm you can get Aussie pies delivered to your door thanks to the meatguy. The Meat Guy also meat of other descriptions. I can recommend this service highly having ordered from them in the past.
  15. grrrrrrr iPod....or to be correct....grrrr iTunes.
  16. Either that or it isnt controversial enough i.e. cant blame Bush or global warming or Al Qaeda..
  17. For me to compare the tragedy in Pakistan to the Indo tsunami and the recent hurricanes in The USA just by judging the responses on this forum? When the previously mentioned disasters occurred they had separate threads with people expressing shock, sympathy and blame, often degenerating to finger pointing and heated discussions. But this tragedy in Pakistan, which has claimed over 13,000 lives at last count, has neither it own thread and barely a mention in another. Are we becoming blase about such things or do we just dont care so much about the people in Pakistan? I sure hope we havent.
  18. steamed bun things filled with pizza sauce and cheese....delicious
  19. yeah I do like the sound of the 19inch screen and they are a pleasure to work on..or play games on too
  20. You are right scouser, but many peope make that mistake of only buying a basic pc for websurfing and basic stuff, then later when they want to try other things that require more power, they find they cant do them. Thus requiring an expensive upgrade/replacement.
  21. Honestly dude it sounds like its really bugging you. Left to fester it could become a major problem. Have a talk with the girl and see what you can come up with. If that doesnt work then perhaps Splitsville is where you should head
  22. yeah love that pizzaman. had my first one of the year 2 weeks ago...
  23. the problem with that configuration is that its the bare minimum needed to run pretty much any software developed in the past 2/3 years. Windows XP minimum to run is 512mb. Sure it can be run with less but you're looking at slow slow operating speeds. And who wants that? And you can forget about doing more than one thing at a time (such as listening to mp3s and using word for example. Perhaps Im being harsh but generally I steer clear of companies like Dell that use proprietary parts that can only be replaced by "approved" Dell technicians, costing an arm and a leg in the process
  24. Sanjo check out my thread about my fPod and iCantmakeitworktunes!!!
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