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Tubby Beaver

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Everything posted by Tubby Beaver

  1. It was written in English Although there is some Kanji blurb next to it from what I can remember......in the name of science and SJ-comradeship, I'll track down more cans and find out for you later today.....after I sober up from last night.....the things I do for you, Muika! Tbh it's pretty unremarkable.....just a lager
  2. Which is much better......still not as fast as Yuzawa but deffo an improvement
  3. Grolsch?! The Dutch beer? Hope it had the old style bottle openers, you can put em on ur shoes, all late 80's style.....only good thing that beer's good for
  4. J is a bit of a warning sign for me and might lead to A in my crumbling knee
  5. The RAF are so jolly confused that they came back to base with their bombs......then they got a ticking off and told to drop em on them ISIS swines, so they did......the yanks are so confused that they dropped humanitarian aid to the ISIS swines.....
  6. For the first few weeks there was nothing.....just a bunch of Africans dying, then some white people got it and all of a sudden they had an "experimental" vaccine that was found to be pretty effective but not a proven cure and not enough doses to fully help west Africa.....funny that
  7. I don't give a toss.....I ain't going to work after only 3-4 hrs sleep
  8. Cloudy overcast day......threatening rain all day......managed to get home before getting too wet as the rain started about 2.30-3
  9. Sturridge is a huge miss, and yeah the defence has been added to, but none of the signings have really hit the ground running......they have been even worse at the back than last season and now Mignolet is starting to show jitters more and more. At least last year Liverpool might concede but you'd always fancy them to score a few.....the spark has gone, Suarez being the spark, Ballotelli is a good player but he's not the same type of player. Maybe him n Sturridge up front together will be a good partnership....
  10. Sapporo have released their "Winter Seasonal Brew".....away to sample a few tonight
  11. Only if you drink a diet coke at the same time
  12. No, I usually would only go on weekends.....I'd rather avoid Sunday's because coming back by car is a nightmare....I've gotten home so late that the next day, after only 3-4hrs sleep, I've phoned in sick to work
  13. Well I was a weekend warrior and the Devil road just loved to kick me in the balls!! I was coming from Shonan, a little further past both Sagamihara and Yokohama and although Mr Google did say it's only be 3-4 hrs......it often ended up a lot longer. Shinkansen was easiest for me, Tokaido line to tokyo, albeit at 4:50am, then shink to Yuzawa. Thing is I had to get through Tokyo, which even at God awful early times in the morning would see silly traffic.....often getting snarled at Nerima before even getting onto the devil road. Snaking round tokyo from Sagamihara and joining the Devil road
  14. Liverpool are very very ordinary this year.....they really haven't invested that 75 million well.
  15. Not the night buses.....they often arrive so early in the morning that you have to stay/sleep on the bus for an hour or two before resort staff even open Up for work!! It's the day buses (leave about 6-7am) that arrive mid morning
  16. I have succumbed to peer pressure and now currently rock a zip up top.....still gambaruing with my shorts
  17. Yeah Kohaku is still readily available. I'm waiting on the Sapporo Classic Green......my fave lager of year
  18. You're forgetting where I come from......where grandads keep their beer in the back of wardrobes instead of fridges
  19. Liz Daley died as well in an unrelated slide in Sth America, as well. Sad day in the snow world
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