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Everything posted by Siren

  1. Quote: They include doctors, entrepeneurs, lawyers and financial analysts, it says. They are probably looking for the same types, not a comedian.
  2. By the way, scooby (I am sure you have an interesting idea behind that name too ) is that your apartment? I like it - very minimalist and pink is an ingenious touch!
  3. I love the way some people put in the effort to create something funny like that! Excellent job! Surely you won't mind if I steal that picture to impress my friends.
  4. Just joking of course. I am sure he wasn't - he was just trying to be a gentleman, someone who came to the aid of a innocent defenceless girl like you.
  5. Quote: Just ignore him, akibun, and enjoy your fun time. Akibun, FD is saying that you are er...not intelligent enough to speak on your own behalf.
  6. Motion Blue is nice. It is a sister joint of Blue Notes.
  7. I got knocked over once by my GF's car. I was in the kitchen. Women drivers!
  8. Very good - Remember Christmas is all about Santa. Don't believe if anyone tell you otherwise.
  9. It was good, wasn't it. You should come to the Big City sometimes.
  10. Quote: I like most thing about it - atmosphere, many parties, fun with friends, fun with boyfriend, etc. It's good feeling. It is lovely, isn't it. Akibun, do you know why we have parties and go out to buy presents for each other and to celebrate for Santa?
  11. Akibun, do you know Christmas is a day to remember a great European called Santa Claus? Why do you like about Christmas? Because you will get many presents and taken to romantic restaurant?
  12. No, akibun, it is just your imagination. It is called disbelief, I think.
  13. The special thing about Tokyo is the exclusivity and privilege. It is not for everyone and does not admit everyone. But for people who appreciate quality in services and people, name a place that even comes close. Big cities in Canada?
  14. The issue here isn’t Christianity. It is about whether you are dumb enough to believe when someone claims to be a good Christian to get your vote.
  15. Quote: It is hard to understand though, to someone looking from the outside. I sympathise with the American voters. What choice did they have? I mean, look at Kerry. The Democrats might be better off had they nominated Big Bird. I said in September (http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=003334) Quote: Unfortunately, I increasingly think that chimps are going to win. And there are no decent ones or decent ones who are powerful enough to do anything about it. The world's finest democracy has got the man it deserved. George W Bush. Twice.
  16. "America has spoken and I'm humbled by the trust and the confidence of my fellow citizens," the president told supporters in Washington
  17. Quote: No. It just is not possible that a nation of democratically free voters could be that stupid. He will not return to office. So DB, are you moving to Goa anytime soon?
  18. Quote: I have sent my CV to Siren's company because I felt guilty that I don't work there. Your prospective employer's donation to Japan Red Cross has gone up to JPY2,000,000 according to today's announcement. In addition, water and drinks were given to another NPO to be transported to Niigata. You understand it is all PR of course.
  19. Exactly! The way those people defiled a well-meaning thread like this. It’s a crime!
  20. Our firm’s PR department swung into action as soon as the office opened on Monday and by the COB a substantial sum (I believe more than 1,000,000 yen) was collected and donated. And you think I didn’t anticipate that response. What a sad case.
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