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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. Blair... re point 1 in your last post... Quote: A designer came in from Vail to create Arai’s base village, with instructions simply to design a place that made everyone feel welcome. The result is a convenient sleek and modern resort that looks like it would feel more comfortable in the Rockies or in the Alps rather than sharing a mountain range with the confused dinosaur resorts at neighboring Myoko Kogen. . Taken from the ARAI web site under Property Description segment - The Village thanks for the clarification. Also..it's great that ARAI already have sponsor
  2. personally...i'm nutty enough as it is...but i don't see anything wrong with a bit of recreational enhancement on the odd occasion. on the topic of mj....my ex's dad was a judge and he said that the majority of horrifically violent crimes that he passed sentence on, were caused by people who had been smoking mj and drinking alcohol. He figures the combination of the two does something to the chemistry in the brain to make people go psycho! I also had another good mate..who was a totally upstanding guy....get heavily into smoking pot (first casually with some new mates then more heavi
  3. lol! Yeah...i(think) totally know what you're trying to get at!!! It's that feeling you get when you've started something and realised once you've taken the first step that...mmm...maybe i shouldn't have done that! - but well i've started...so may as well finish! ....so you squeeze your eyes shut have a mental squirm *arraagh* - in anticipation for the pain - and hope for the best!! kinda like bungy jumping!
  4. thanks amandaism..will check him out... have you heard of the watershed fest? was supposed to be in Aug in Ontario...looked to be a good line up...but was postponed! not that it matters to me as am in nz at the mo...but would have liked to go by the way...when i saw shihad they had another kiwi band open for them called Two Lane Black Top. They will be ones to watch for...they rocked out in concert! if shihad were 10/10 these guys were 8/10
  5. badmigrane... i agree you can write about things without experiencing them... like barok i too have seen various doc's on sex workers..and have had friends in the business... I don't think that your lifestyle choice is one of your "average" sex worker. from what i've seen both personally and through the doc's it appears to be an industry that causes a never ending downward spiral of dwindling self respect, worth and confidence....= drug abuse = escapism….and WHY? ANSWER: No matter how liberal a select few of the general pop is...the bulk of society still sees sex workers as taboo....
  6. yeah...in the forum I was thinking it would just seem a bit more interactive...either that or maybe...have a live chat and a separate forum... tho some chat rooms i've popped into have been bloody dodgy! lol checked out Matchbox 20 site...thinking to find some hardcore fans....found some hardcore....eep!!
  7. Badmigrane Quote: And (this is my personal opinion only, true as regards me--I can't speak for others here), I would have found providing sexual services to unattractive, ageing women a lot less degrading than my manual labor job, my cash-register job and, believe it or not, the sh**-ass work I did at my law firm. How can you say this?? It seems very egotistical and presumptuous of you to think you can relate to sex trade workers and what they go through. The sheer fact that many of them are junkies says there must be some seriously detrimental mental and emotional effects on them.
  8. i thought just about every family with 2.5 kids in the US had a plywood station wagon...?!! great toy....i'd just like to see somebody try and get in it once the top's up.
  9. would you like it if you could tell who was online?
  10. moved completely away from all the pop boring cr*p that's out there at the mo.... into: Matchbox 20 Datsuns Live Jack Johnson - u surfie boys'll love it Incubus - dunno if you've checked their website but they have some wicked art too. Pacifier (ex Shihad)- these guys rock out...caught a concert last weekend....Amandanism if you dig the Datsuns you'll love pacifier - they led the way for the D's
  11. you guys are mad!! If you really think chicks just want you to dish out the dosh and then they'll give it up - you've all missed the boat. I am a really independent woman...but i still like to be treated like a lady. Taking a chick out on a date to a nice restaurant...or not...maybe to the beach with fish'n chips, or Whatever!- is nice....no matter what you do...women can see whether you've put any thought into your date or not. I think some women are more impressed by money than others(perhaps because they have none??)...but i don't think that you should make such sweeping genera
  12. i like the design thunderbird posted... the other one looks like a tic-tac-toe game...ugh!
  13. Oh... and I do however think there is merit in having some of the best boarders/skiers on the slopes tho...(makes all us wannabes hang there)but those are typically the sorts who are looking for cheaper accommodation yeah? so .... perhaps ARAI could provide some sponsorships? (if they don't already) It could make some skilled and deserving people pretty darn happy and the mountain gets known for having the best boarders/skiers....
  14. well, when in comes right down to it...yes it would be nice if ARAI had cheaper accommodation in order to make everyone happy. But the cold hard fact is that the market they are catering to is massive. With 2.5 million people in close proximity ( an'thats's just within their prefecture) they would hardly be struggling for patrons. Also, from a bit of research...it seems that ARAI shares the mountain with older resorts. So...why should they try to compete with older resorts who are cheaper...attract a cheaper crowd...when they could (and have) built a resort full of the best lifts/accom
  15. re: Sex in the City - lads....there are some definate home truths in this program. Wanna understand women abit better?...consider this program a once-a-week tutorial! Its all true really!! As for me...it's been known to crack me up but the fashion...well...nuff said. All in all i like it cause it's caused a huge fuss about the image of older women.....and made society look at changing it's view of slightly older women as unkept housewives who need a good shagging to...pretty damned sexy. ahem....and seeing as i am fast approaching 30...aheeeem...it makes me smile to think that when i
  16. db: got sucked into that one....ain't nothin delicate about that!! for all the rest of the chicks out there who wanna have a look...here's a warning....ooooch!!!
  17. hey....re patrolling....any particular qualifications required for that?? Sounds like the best job on the mtn to me!
  18. ...well from what i can recall...it was pretty damned good! I've had it back here in NZ and it costs a fortune....bloody taxes!
  19. ole stevie does practice Aikido... Hapkito is the Korean version or Aikido....same principles.
  20. I have to say that when i saw the topic...i thought you guys were talkin about condoms....lol what a group of wholesome peeps! since we are not talking about condoms...uh...not much to say cept..more people should use'm...mints ...and uh condoms too yeah
  21. PPPS. Anybody seen the vid "World's Strongest Karate"? they beat up bears and do some other crazy crap...best watched after a few bevies
  22. I've been doing taekwondo now for about 8yrs (instucting 4 the last 2)...and have tried karate, ninjitsu and hapkito...albiet limited experience in those three. i think doing any martial art provides you with the ability to react in situations....instead of standing there stunned...meaning you "keep your cool." - and are better able to read the opponent. every art has it's strengths and weaknesses....and for every attack there is a possible counter.... if you are thinking of taking up a martial art, go for it!! anything is better than nothing but, know that the real learning and understa
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