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Everything posted by mattlucas

  1. not sure if Kamoshika is joking but Warren Miller is the worst producer out there. His old movies where all right but lately they have gone to crap. Most of the material in them is seconds bought from companies like MSP and TGR.
  2. I was just watching The Front Line. Ski Movie 3 by MSP as I was bored and drinking by myself, now drunk. I wasn't to impressed with it though. It had very good skiing but not as good as Ski Movie 2 High Society. Has anybody seen any movies that rival Ski Movie 2
  3. The best beer I have ever drank was Pilly Green in Murmansk Russia but it was only on tap so couln't bring any home. Favorite now is Sleemens Creme Ale or Honeybrown
  4. I would say the early 90's were more of an embarrasment Bright colours Hyper colour t-Shirts Rappers like Vanilla Ice and Hammer. Vanilla Ice is making a comeback though. He has been doing clubs all though the lower mainland and Fraser Valley of BC in April and May
  5. Snowtires. What are they for. They sound expensive. I've always gotten by with all season radials. I have yet to get stuck and if the tires spin I can easily put the chains on.
  6. So far 34. 16 of which where at Blackcomb/Whistler but mostly Blackcomb. Will get 3 or 4 more by season end 6 backcountry days with a couple more after Whistler closes 10 at Manning Park
  7. I've been skiing for 18 years now. Every year I go more and more. I love it and am always learning. That is what I love about it. The learning never ends. It never gets boring. There is always somthing to improve on.
  8. Avie geer is expensive everywhere. Is there lots backcountry skiers in Japan or is relativly untouched. Prices sound good though for downhill equipment. I always like looking for great deals and tend to waste many days looking in stores for deals but never being able to buy them. Trouble with being dirt poor. Can't wait to get paid big money
  9. You like blond swedish looking guys eh. I personally prefurred Trinity in her leather outfits and Will Smiths wife (not sure of her name) who is also very hot. I also was amaized that only 10 people in the audience. I bought tickets early and showed up like half an hour before to get good seats. It was the 5PM show though so people were still getting home from jobs and whatnot.
  10. I was only given prefectures to pick from. When I first picked the locations I was under the impression that skiing would be very expensive so I picked for hiking quality. But now it seems like I will be skiing lots so hopefully I donn't get screwed.
  11. I ski on 177 1080's. For my old mountain they were great all mountain skis. But skiing at Whistler now I wish I had purchased a much bigger ski like AK ememy or Launcher or the B3. Has anybody seen the Big Stix. Freakin Huge. Oh yah I also have 180 Atomic Powder Plus. They are like water skis And 198 Viper X mounted with 25 year old Emery Touring bindings.
  12. I really hope I end up near a ski hill. I will know where next week sometime. The bigger the better. I guess if I was not skiing I would be shopping and travelling elsewhere spending lots of money. That is a new concept. Save money by skiing. Funny
  13. I got three choices to pick from first Gifu second Nagono third Sapporo or Hoikaido I can't remember I really want to get out skiing but am not sure how much cause I have some depts to pay. Any other Jets on this forum paying depts and skiing. I would like to know how much you can save while skiing 4 or 5 times a month
  14. Saw it on first cheap tuesday after it opened. There were only 10 people in the audience. It was really good though. I went in having heard all the bad reviews so it lowered my standards a bit but I really liked it. I would watch it again.
  15. I'm new to the board so I will introduce myself I live in BC but am moving to Japan in the end of July for teaching job with JET. I will know where by the end of the month. Hopefully near a good hill. I ski every weekend at Whistler as I have student season pass (it was really cheap). My lift serviced skiing goes until June 8th ans then hopefully I will get a few days backcountry before leaving for Japan. Because everybody likes to know technical stuff Skis - Salomon 1080 Future Skis - Fat ski most likely K2 AK Launcher or AK enemy or maybe the new Rossi B3 Bindings
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