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Everything posted by mattlucas

  1. Quote: Originally posted by zwelgen: RIP my beautiful skis. Enjoy your retirement[/QB] What were you skiing on?
  2. Quote: Originally posted by Yuki's Passion: too bad it doesnt snow year round But it does.
  3. It is kind of the same. I choose to not eat meat less and less becuase of the way people treat there product while raising it. I just saw a 60 minutes episode on Pig Farming. The pigs were stuffed into these pens and couldn't turn around. All they could do was lay down. They were on this cement slab to so it was easier to clean. It was cruel. It is the same for Beef and Chickens as well. And don't get me started on Veal. But do farmers get pleasure from confining animals to small spaces. Obviously they don't but they do get enjoyment when thay can maximize their profets by squeezing in a
  4. Every year i notice that I eat less and less meat and buy less leather goods. If i do buy meat or animal products like eggs or milk it is USUALLY free range in the hope that I can justify that the animal lived a good life before being shot with a bolt gun, electrocuted, gassed, hung, bled or whatever practice is performed to get from a living species to my dinner table. I do not agree with any of it and someday hope that I can not rely on animal products. There are also numerous new products on the market and have been for years in which animals were not harmed to make or test the
  5. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: I got up to 6 digits on my second try. you have to be joking here. What was she wearing at this point or what wasn't she wearing.
  6. I got 12200 two times but tired of the getting that far only to be told no way are you seeing my nether regions. How far do they go. I liked the blond the best.
  7. Nothing gets me more than cruelty to animals. I always chuckle when the bulls trample those guys or ram there horns where the sun don't shine. Serves them right.
  8. study Japanese! I just finished a first year course at Uni in Japanese. It was horrible though. I know I should have been studying a lot more but I am just so fed up with school that I couldn't bring myself to open the books. For my 5 weeks I am going to nock off many hikes and bushwacks that I have wanted to do for a long time. I can't wait to get started.
  9. I've got the next 5 1/2 weeks off. What to do. What to do.
  10. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: If you make 'taking the first breath' the criteria, then I suppose you would happily subject your offspring to the loophole of 'partial birth abortion' whereby you let all but its head out of the mother, skillfully drive a hollow spike into its brain to suck it out and crush its skull from the inside, and then pull out the remains. "Gotcha, you never breathed sucker!" You got to have a pretty sick mind to come up with something like this. I'm sorry but this was probably uncalled for.
  11. On and it is cold. I wear shorts and sandals to Uni and then sit in a class all day freezing my ass and then when I leave the building I am hit by a wall of heat. Getting into my car is the worst. It seems like an oven sometimes.
  12. I am pro choice. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that anti abortion people are Mainly Christian. I am not sure if this is true but correct me if I am wrong. Why does the Christian religian insist on imposing its views onto all of humanity. They are one religion amidst numerous others. And what follows has been said numerous times so far, but now from my mouth. As for abortion being murder. I believe that until a baby takes a breath it is not alive. I hope my ramblings make sense
  13. Mine are in the storage room waiting to come to Japan. I should wax them for the summer but why wax them now if I went through most of the season without wax. is waxing expensive in Japan
  14. yes oakleys do break but I think that they are fixing that. My old trenchcoats broke like 5 or 6 times. Arms and Frames always cracking. I think I am going to get the monster dogs though. They are pretty cool and fit the budget well.
  15. My best pizza was in Finland. Reindeer meat on a thin crust with a Lappin Beer. The Fins make surprisingly good pizza. Best I have had. And if Vancouver has NY syle Pizza then I wouldn't be bragging about it. $1 slices. I think the pepporoni may be from rodents.
  16. Can't go wrong with Oakley Try those over the top ones. Might be a bit to much though
  17. I will have to bring pit stick then or people will not touch me with a 20 foot pole. I don't usually wear it when I am skiing/hiking though because it is unlucky. I havn't hurt myself seriously since so it must be lucky. Oh yah and I think it attracts bugs. Do Japanese people not stink or something? The smell must be overpowering sometimes.
  18. I loved what the yanks did to boycott France. Some of them are so silly. Changing French Fries to Freedom Fries Pooring out French Wine into the rivers. Give me a break. At least France has backbone to stand up against Bush. Oh yah where are those WMD
  19. No extra strength tylenol. I live for that stuff. That and Iboprophen. Pop two when I ski and I can go all day. As for the toilet. Squatting isn't all that bad. I've done it lots in the sticks and got pretty good at it but I just found out that my toilet is western style so no worries there.
  20. I watched an episode of Happy Days a while back and it was horrible. It dragged on for so long. I think Fraggle Rock was N American. Was it not done by Jim Hanson or something like that.
  21. no I have a 2LDK or that is what I am told. It is an older building as well so that probably means squat toilet. 2 4.5 tatami rooms 1 6 tatami room That would be funny if I lived in one tiny little room but then that would make sense for how much rent I am paying.
  22. It did taste pretty good though and I'm sticking to that.
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