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Everything posted by kintaro

  1. John Irvine has a very eloquent writing style. His books are great but of the many that became movies, the only one I've liked is The World According to Garp. The Cider House Rules is a distant second. That's another thing, books tht become movies are almost never as good as the book. Anyone ever tried to read the Bible or the Koran? I tried but it's a truly boring read (no intentions to offend religious people).
  2. I haven't played stoned. Maybe I'll try that tonight!
  3. More often than not, I end in a stalemate. But the satisfaction of now and then taking a king makes the game worth playing. Any body else like to play chess?
  4. Stephen King has an incredible imagination but I find his writing style to be poor. Same goes for Thomas Harris (Silence of the Lambs). But that's just me.
  5. Teddy's across the street from the zoo? I was there tonight. Good milkshakes/malts as well! The peanut butter shake is off the hook!
  6. The Hello Kitty Ferrari is an abomination. Is that a F430?
  7. I watched "Killers" sucked. First 30 minutes were entertaining and then it went down hill....
  8. Smap is a good one! J-pop in general. Morning Musume cracks me up as a legitimate music group.
  9. All day from my computer out of my itunes heard through my Bose speakers. 6+ on shuffle.
  10. It cracks me up when drivers on the kosoku (tollway) fly by a patrol car at illegal speeds with zero consequence.
  11. Toasted onion bagel with lox, capers, cream cheese, onion and tomato. Homemade and delish!
  12. Although my good friends dog "acted" in Lost I never saw an epidode either. His dog is the blonde golden retriever. He let me know that the dog is now unemployed.
  13. A place across the street from my Sendai shop used to crack me up. They did the typical excercises in any kind of weather together out by the street and shouted inspirational things for about 30 minutes before going inside to work every morning. They would unfailingly humiliate the newcomers to the company. Another thing that crack me up: BOSOZOKU (annoying but hillarious)
  14. Thursday, that looks like a very Hawaiian kind of lunch!
  15. Ironman II. Very entertaining. A couple of super hero-ish moments that make you cringe but overall a very good movie. I'm happy I saw it in a theatre before DVD.
  16. Looks like low numbers compared to the past couple years. I only made it out 3 days in Oregon. Missing Japan!
  17. I love pizza. My J-mother in law used to refer to me as "Pizza-taro." Best pizza I've ever had was in Sendai at a place on Jozenji Dori called Napule. Frozen pizza can be good. I like D'Giorno (sp?) and Tombestone. It's great fun making pizza...you can throw anything you want on it.
  18. I've said it a few times in life to my mother and father but only as a reply. Can't recall ever saying it to my brother or sister. I said it all the time to my ex-wife while we were dating and married. I still have a good relationship with my parents and siblings but I don't even know my ex wife's phone number or email. Hhhhhhm?
  19. 3 solid days at Mount Bachaleor and a day at Mound Hood in Oregon. Nothing like the good ol' days of 50 plus at Zao when I lived in Sendai.
  20. 2 showers a day - morning and night. I do however, really miss having my bath time like I did while in Japan. I don't know of a single person that bathes here in Hawaii. I guess a good soak in the ocean followed by a fresh water shower is often just as good.
  21. I don't keep one on hold for criminal purposes but if you are inclined to criminal activities you should have a lawyer speak on your behalf. Your Miranda Rights allow you to remain silent until you have a chance to speak to a lawyer or be appointed one. Having said that, I DO have a regular tax lawyer that I use. Tax laws are way too complicated and change too frequently for me to handle on my own. So if the IRS were to question me, I would insist on having my lawyer with me during an audit, etc.
  22. I get sleepy and quiet. I don't like to go out and drink because I become the opposite of the "life of the party." I like a glass of wine or sake before bed as a nice way to chill and ease into a slumber.
  23. Me too!...and stay 11 years. I have never achieved so much in "one year" in my life!
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