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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by RayInJapan

  1. hmmm...think happy thoughts... Momo my wife Snow coming this weekend Jet skiing right around the corner We won ichi-man yen in the lotto 6 tonight Momo my wife...time for bed...REALLY HAPPY THOUGHTS... good night all...
  2. I have to second what Danz said - if they had "morals", they'd go home to their wives after work instead of getting drunk in the snacks
  3. I didn't ask if I was special, but since they do it for my buds too, I assume I'm not. I don't know if the policy extends the life of the board or only this season but either way, its been a good deal for me.
  4. My local surf & snowboard shop tunes/waxes my burton custom for free cause I bought it from them. I could take it in every week if I wanted but don't have the time to drive there after work during rush hour... They charge 2000 yen for waxing otherwise...
  5. Rainy days are miserable to me - I hate being stuck indoors and rain stings like bees on a jet ski at 110kmh... Rainy days are only good for one thing - sex - indoors of course, especially when its thunder and lightning outside...
  6. Time flies when you're having fun...on the bright side, jet skiing is just around the corner...
  7. I bought a remote starter for the van and surf - start them about 25 minutes before going to work and the drive to work is toasty warm...I only have to scrape the windows when I forget to set the defrosters before locking the van up for the night. Rented a house that has a built in kerosene heater in every room except the "genkan" but even it stays around 10c except in the wee hours of the morning. No frozen pipes or windows for us. Kerosene bill is only about 27,000 yen in the worst of winter... Bought a snow blower - best $279 I ever spent - makes easy work of everything but wet,
  8. I don't like the snacks, and the whole concept of them - From the owners abusing young women who should be trying to get a better job but won't because the money is easy, to the guys who go there leaving their wives behind every night to take care of the kids... Aside the the folks who think running red lights is ok and the ones who cut in front at the lift line, I think the snacks are the worse thing in Japan... I will admit there are some beautiful women working in them though...
  9. Not up here in Tohoku - seems most places are 65% skiers though there are a few places where its closers to 50/50.
  10. I would have told them to put the cig out too but the body block as told was not cool. He could have (and maybe should have) been arrested by the police. I'm from Hawaii too - big island. Shoot me a private email when you have some time.
  11. "...not what riding is all about..." Sounds like trying to purify snowboarding in the way some folks try to purify surfing. But most real surfers know that its not about the location - its about the wave regardless of how the wave is created... I think that "what riding is all about" is up to the rider. Doesn't matter the median - board, skis, bikes whatever. The beauty of any of them is you get to choose what you want to do with them. To me, "what riding is all about" is whatever I choose to do that day...
  12. OK - I figured it out but I had to go to the Panasonic website to get help cause the REAL ONE PLAYER help sucks... I'll use it tomorrow to see how well it works when I'm out running...
  13. Any good choices out there? I bought what I thought was a Panasonic MP3 player but it uses SD Flash memory cards, and I guess it plays WMA or SD Audio format? It came with Real Player One but that seems to be a bunch of crap cause it won't let me copy from a CD unless I purchase another component of RP1. I dunno, maybe I'm just stupid tonight but, I've read/re-read the instructions, the on-line tutorials, and still can't figure this RP1 out, nor how to make this damn "SD Audio Player" out. All I wanted was something simple I could copy my CDs to, and use when I'm out running...
  14. I don't get out much in Misawa City - I haven't even walked down White Pole road in the 15 months we've been up here. Momo and I go to Jals Karaoke place but no bars etc. Weeknights make it too tough to get up in the am, and Fri/sat late nights and I won't be up in any shape to make the long drives to the slopes. Not that I don't mind getting hammered, love that, but my preference is to get up and either go snowboarding or jet skiing... I must be getting old - I remember when I used to be able to do both...
  15. I taped the TBA show late sunday night...it was pretty cool. Would have been much more fun in person I think. NMB is on at 1235am (mostly) late Sat night up here (on air) so I only get to watch it when I know I'm not getting up early on Sunday. In the summer time, NMB either goes to places like NZ, or shows wakeboarding etc.
  16. I think an establishment should be allowed to say who's allowed to a certain extent, i.e. a black tie resturant shouldn't allow me to enter if I'm wearing my snowboarding clothes... But discrimination based on skin color, or religion, sex etc? No. Not in a facility designed to serve the public. Private facilities - well, No there too. If they don't want me there simply because of my skin color, that doesn't say much about their character, so why should they profit off me anyway? They can make they money off their bigoted friends. Discrimination on an individual level mos
  17. How about using the SJ logo? But if someone wants another design, my son is a professional artist who can take ideas and create something awesome. Just depends on what you want and how fast you want it. He'd do the design for free too... Either way, we're in...
  18. Not up here in Tohoku, but all the time in Okinawa, where there is a large US Marine Corps population. A gentleman up in Hokkaido recently won a discrimination suit in the Japanese courts over a "No Gaijins Allowed" policy. That type of discrimination is illegal in the US and passionately enforced. Japan still has a lot to learn when it comes to equal rights.
  19. oh how I wish I had your problem...I just wish I could grow hair!
  20. Ok - after reading this, I've figured out a "bowl" is some form of concave/spoon shaped depression on the side of the mountain. My question is: Once you ride into a bowl, can you normally ride out? Or is it really shaped like a bowl and you have to hike out? What is special about a "bowl" compared to other types of terrain? Forgive my ignorance, up to this point I've pretty much just pointed the board down the mountain and went, trying to stay out of ravines I'd get stuck in and have to climb out... domo,
  21. I see said the blind man. I'm glad I asked cause I initially assumed it was like in mountain biking where you say "on your left" to indicate you're passing the person in front on your left, but that didn't make sense hence my question... domo,
  22. There are a lot of Filipinos in Hawaii, so I ate plenty while I was growing up. When I went to the P.I., I got the chance to experience a little more "authentic" stuff - it was all good to me. Crispy Pata , Pork Adobo, - two of my favorite foods. Don't get much of that up here in Misawa...
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