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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. Quote: Originally posted by db: Better still.... no, that would be illegal. hey, c'mon, if we all put up a fund and the moolah rolls in, we can make a group decision to be moral in the future, and then right society's wrongs with our new found wealth!
  2. i truly enjoyed your 'piece' (piece is a good word). u've done what i wished for. i tried to a dream season in NZ, but it ended in pain. so im back in a big city clamouring for the bus every chance i get...it is definitelt sub optimal. i went back to oz last year (after nz) with the GF, but she didnt dig the vibe, so i said we could go back (to japan), so long as we went to sapporo. then one fateful day i said maybe it would be easier in nagoya, and the sappora idea died for good. damn my foolish mouth.
  3. i flew over greenland once. they looked like they had quite a bit of snow.
  4. i think theres too much focus on profit. snowboarding and skiing are fun, so people should be more willing to volunteer their services for the good of mankind. and more hills so its less crowded, not more people so its more crowded. lets face it, trees have had their day in the sun (so as to speak) this is the period of man. i say, a government sponsored mountain in everyones backyard, with international aid agencies offering to supply lifts and lifties. and finally free stickers. everyone likes free stickers. if they r good, u can whack em on your board, and if there not so good, th
  5. i got a mate who adores it. the numbers r really growing at the moment. if its windy where u live i think it would be heps of fun!
  6. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Tell that to my mate who cracked a rib wakeboarding... tell that to the japanese girl i lived with who broke her pelvis snowboarding [when the season is over i will venture to ask about injuires]
  7. its a good sell. i started skating at 23, boarding at 25, theres gotta be time to take up surfing! its not like i'm gonna start going to hospital more frequently.
  8. its a good sell. i started skating at 23, boarding at 25, theres gotta be time to take up surfing! its not like i'm gonna start going to hospital more frequently.
  9. some my friends back home r 'very cool' and as the years pass they r getting less and less interesting. whereas the guys that never cared have retained their appeal. i can feel any coolness i had dripping away. but the boardin will keep me hip! right, ladies?
  10. i dont wanna hassle out the skiiers none, but isnt it skiers that make moguls? or do both forms lump it up on steep runs? what damage is this 'cutting up'? i remember being saddened in NZ at TC after a bit of a dump to see the whole top mountain mogulled up after just one day. [i note this is currently up for discussion on another thread] but u can rely on me, in general not to damage any moguls, as i only stray that way by accident or going home. ive only been in one collision, where i was hit by a fellow boarder. i think skiers a generally more prdictable than boarders,
  11. am i too old to start? i too considered a move to sydney, this reason (surfing) contemplated to a minor degree. i had a mate who cycled nearly 30 mins to the beach every day (surfboard under his arm) to learn to surf when he was 26. but i wont get to back to oz until im 30. r there patrols that say 'sorry mate, youre too old to start, lawn bowls is down the road?'
  12. am i too old to start? i too considered a move to sydney, this reason (surfing) contemplated to a minor degree. i had a mate who cycled nearly 30 mins to the beach every day (surfboard under his arm) to learn to surf when he was 26. but i wont get to back to oz until im 30. r there patrols that say 'sorry mate, youre too old to start, lawn bowls is down the road?'
  13. i think the smell is over hated. sure its potent and the strength is off putting, but not inherently bad. i know plenty of people that dig durians. we bought 3 for S$25 in singapore, and while i opted out after a couple of segments due to the unpleasant mixture of strong smell and paste-like texture my two asian companions finished the rest!! and a durian aint no small fruit. maybe the vegemite of SE Asia
  14. i watch channel 4 news over the internet. not the best quality (stream) in the world, but, hey, u take what u can get. also scope ABC (Oz) online.
  15. im planning to vist the authorities but just keep putting it off. maybe this week.
  16. did someone say brown sugar?? right throw some in a fry pan, caramalise (sp?) it good and proper. then throw in a couple of mango fillets, freshly picked still flippin around, and give em a good fryin till they're nicely warm. then eat with fingers. try to miss your mouth a couple of times so it gets on your cheeks. mmmmm.
  17. awright, i got a fruit story... so there was a rock melon who liked to rock to rock. one day he was rockin down the street havin a bit of a rock listening to rock (on his ipod) when he met some grapes. the grapes said (together) "so Rock, u like to rock to rock? i know a rock where u can rock! lets rock" so they rocked down to the rock and the rock melon saw a good spot to rock to his rock and he climbed up the rock and began to rock. but then he fell off and smashed on a rock. "rockin!" exclaimed the grapes. who would have guessed the grapes were evil?!? grapes are my favourite f
  18. i can vouch for that. and dropping an egg in the middle turns beans on toast into a culinary delight.
  19. i could write a reply like i knew something, but most of it comes from http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/snow/stance.html a good guide is looking at the pros stances for various activities. this'll give a generalisation. consider your board length too. a short board is heaps easier to do tricks with, but doesnt carve or float as well as a longer board. i use a 1 inch setback, for kinda all purpose riding. if i was going bc i would set it back a further notch.
  20. yeah, i find an ollie helps on smaller jumps. looking at the jump is a definite yes yes. i decided more speed more air more fun, but had my weight too far toeward, and did a nice pancake (old bmx term?) jump. more air means more fear pre crash. freaked me out and a fled the jumps for the rest of the day. but full points to the body, especially ribs as i felt them distort on impact, just got a mighty winding and no further damage. the hole my shoulder left on the landing suggested i got a decent amount of air.
  21. decimetre. remember that it comes in handy frequently. coool a decimetre of snow.
  22. now theres a topic! this is an item which is both yummy and grows on trees. i always feel empowered after a successful hunt in the wild when i have managed to successfully aquire some immediately edible item. gives me a sense of connection with the primate in me. anyways, this eve, after some effort, i managed to devour something which looked pretty much like a grapefruit but cost more. so far as i know this fruit has no name. refreshing tart taste. another fine gift from nature. who's got a good fruit story?
  23. nice turnout in londres, there were about 200 people out the front of mitsukoshi last night, and i noted a banner saying iraq something something something. anyone top that for a jappo event?
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