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Everything posted by proudtobegay

  1. He should leave David alone What a complete idiot he is though, hey?
  2. My good friend makes the most amazing curry. Unfortunately, he doesn't sell it - just makes it for me
  3. But echi is not always dirty. Whilst it certainly can be, not always. It has different nuances, does it not? One being like "naughty" in a humorous way - and a way of avoiding the word "sekkusu" (sex). Isn't that right? And I think everyone is "echi".
  4. When I first spoke to the police and protested when they said I couldnt drive until I got my J license they didnt have an answer. Apart from "you can't drive now until you get your J license. Starting from now. Even though your car is currently parked in our police car park". The fact that nobody told me about this new law, and I didn't know until the evening before when a friend told me about it, didn't seem to bother them in the least. And the fact that I needed to drive every day also did not seem to move them at all. I went nearly a month before I could get the J paper
  5. echineko, that made me laugh when I first saw it
  6. No problems there Ocean11, but I need to take more of my VitC to be able to venture out this weeekend I think, it looks a bit chilly out there!
  7. Why thank you Raury, that's very sweet. And thank you too, Markie Being friendly is such a nice thing, don't you think?! This forum really is a gem, don't you think? Its got more going on here than any others I've seen, and the conversations going on seem to be that much more interesting. I'm glad to have found all of you lovelies. It looks like there is a lot of snow around right now, and I have to work this weekend. Damn. Next weekend for me, 21C... To all those lucky guys and gals heading out to the snow this weekend, have a jolly time. And z
  8. You should be worried, danz. If they catch you you may be in real trouble. I've been through this, and as charming and non-confrontational as I am they were very strict with me too. I've also heard a few horror stories from acquaintances.
  9. from the controversial "proudtobegay" to a more mysterious "21C". Just thought I'd point that out. http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=000687
  10. OK I have changed my handle from "proudtobegay" to "21C", to please all here. I agree Mr Ocean seems to often contradict himself on this forum, but thats ok with me. And rather confrontational, which again is not my style. Peace. By the way, I have skied since 3 years ago and this season I am also trying to board for the first time. Peace to you all, my friends.
  11. Sounds like me in many ways. You do sound nice mogski, send me a private photo will ya!?
  12. Hey zwelgen, we should meet up HOpe I wouldn't disappoint you there. Good to hear the other comments too folks, good to be here. Ocean11, I can understand what you're getting at. But don't you come here to find like-minded skiers or snowboarders? Well, I'm just seeking out another community too (in the Off Topic section of this popular forum). Is there much wrong with that then, my friend? I am not one of those OTT "I'm gay" activist types - far from it. I was just interested to see if there were any other people out there. And lovely ladies like zwelgen, of course
  13. Patrol depends on the characters involved, and the resort policy - so of course they are going to be different everywhere.
  14. New York, this is my first year in Japan.
  15. I've been reading this site and forum for a couple of months now, and it's really interesting. Just wondering, anyone else on here here gay?
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