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Siem Reeves

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Siem Reeves

  1. there is quite a lot of new snow at geto right now... jared may head up tomorrow morning before work to get some freshies!!! poor old me on the other hand... gotta go to work!! yesterday was apparently knee/thigh deep powder in niseko, according to the little brother... on the day we left too
  2. by the way, why are you playing on the computer on a sunday afternoon? shouldn't you be skiing? our excuse - we've been skiing solidly for the last 8days, so needed to unpack and tidy the apaato... Jared says: p.s We are kinda thinking about climbing and skiing some bigish mountains come spring when my brother comes back at the start of april on. How far are you from Fuji? When do you think a good time to climb it is (for snow)? We also plan to investigate climbing Iwate-san and Gassan. Any ideas for other climb/skis?
  3. what kind of bindings are you taking off your wife's skis? i just got marker bindings for half price on the big stix cos i didn't want to pay full price for the bindings i wanted and they only had wide brakes for marker in stock (and i wanted them straight away...) - but anyways, my point is, don't suppose they are rossi axial bindings or look p10???
  4. well, i wasn't really shopping for skis but was in niseko and found last year's fischer big stix 170cm and 106mm underfoot for only 3man!!! a bit of getting used to after riding the rossi pow airs for a full season but great in the powder. hey Touque, how do you rate them?
  5. well, the prize says i can take a "friend". i haven't decided which "friend" yet apparently, jared says it all depends on whether i want to get divorced or not!!!
  6. so does that mean that you guys haven't been up the mountain yet for your first weekend on the snow on saturday, we headed up for some powder on the top half of the hill... it got springy later in the day on the bottom half (stayed wintery up top) and stayed that way for sunday. jared's brother is here and is skiing today... which is something like his fifth day so far (i'm so jealous, maybe i'll stop feeding him ) hopefully it snows more soon and we have some powder for this weekend!!!!! hooray for the snow!!!!
  7. Quote: Guys, where is Geto? In Tohoku, Iwate Prefecture... You can get there from Kitakami station via a very cheap 200yen bus (I dunno how they make it so cheap...) From our house in Isawa town, its about 30minutes away!!!!
  8. i gotta say that there are some funky hairstyles out there, beautiful woman who have self imposed mullets and the like. personally, i'm not a fan of many of the haircuts, but some are quite nice... having said that, i have been to the hairdresser once since i have been in japan (it's either the fear, or i'm lazy, or i'm cheap... prolly all of those things) to make an informed judgement, we really do need to see a piccie
  9. apparently i look japanese, chinese, or any other asian background you want to pick... apparently i sound like a new zealander, australian or english depending on who you're asking... so i suppose it all depends on who you ask!
  10. ok, the argument against new skis is that i just bought a pile of stuff already, our (actually jared's) student loan is only slowly being paid off, and I want a mountain bike for when the snow melts (I have a crummy yellow bike that's on it's last legs). but you know what, that excuse will only hold until i find a good deal on some fatties!!!
  11. it's supposed to bring out the sweetness (in the case of salt on fruit - try it on watermelon ) but the fries thing just baffles me. you don't put loads of it on, just a sprinkling. it's definately good with fresh pineapple and this sounds crazy and please don't make fun of me, but salt with crushed fresh chillies is excellent for those tangy/sour fruits. they do it in cambodia
  12. YEP, GOT SOME NICE POWDER TURNS TODAY!!!! we walked to the top of the gondolas at geto and skied down, got some nice turns on the top half of the run (and my first face plant of the season - really quite elegant, face down, skis pointing downhill and stuck ungracefully in the snow!!! ) was pretty tough going, especially when we had to take the roundabout route to get to the run with the most snow. anyways, jared and i got the first powder runs of the season (for us anyways) and were greeted at the bottom by someone hanging out in the patrol room who told us the resort was clos
  13. just curious, because it seems that most of the people on this forum are guys. how many female skiers are there here??? it would be nice to ski with some girls sometimes " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> but, in the end, as long as i'm on the hill, i'm happy
  14. well, i plan to try boarding some time this season, but i definately think i will stick to skiing at the mo! ... if i end up boarding more than i ski, someone can whack me with a ski pole
  15. AND IT'S SNOWING IN ISAWA!!!!!! very lightly at present, but snowing nonetheless!!!!!
  16. it's snowing pretty hard at geto, the snow cam can't see thru all the snow stuck to the lens!!!!
  17. sometimes i wish i looked foreign so people would know i was... just so they wouldn't be annoyed when they find out that, no, i'm not japanese and i didn't understand what they said. i do tell them that my japanese is terrible (in japanese, which may be the problem), but they still look past the "gaijin looking" friend who is speaking fluent japanese and direct their gazes at me!!! on the bright side, i really impress people with my excellent english... so much so that i have had a man come and shake my hand on the train, congratulating me on speaking such good english with the foreigner
  18. and did i mention that you are all wonderful thanks for all the info guys, it's nice to hear from people who know!!!!
  19. i'm going to take advantage of a rare weekend with no major prior engagements... gonna wax my skis... help build a sub box... hang out... hope our new video camera on order arrives soon... hope our new backcountry gear on order arrives soon... and look forward to when the snow finally comes for sure!!!!
  20. It wont be till 2007 cos we have a couple more years here and a ski season at home first.
  21. anyways, what about weekend breakfast? is that any different? pancakes with fruit and yoghurt smothered all over it... jared is a lucky man cos he gets breakfast in bed on saturdays
  22. Weet-Bix® Kiwi Kids are Weet-Bix kids, and the fact that Weet-Bix are NZ’s number one proves it! Weet-Bix are packed with carbohydrates, iron and B vitamins, they’re low in sugar and they’re 98.5% fat free. Weet-Bix are as natural as you can get, with 200 grains of whole wheat goodness in every biscuit. Skippy® Skippy cornflakes are made in New Zealand with New Zealand corn from the rich fertile river plains of the Gisborne region. These great tasting cornflakes are 99% fat free, high in carbohydrates, rich in folate, and contain essential B vitamins and iron. i couldn't find the
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