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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. kool, was the drumming group any good? Nice to see a bunch of djembes up there.
  2. I missed the real hot weather this year so I don't mind a little bit of this 'normal for tokyo' indian summer.
  3. I want to go.... working next sat nite, maybe sunday?
  4. I've gotten away with around 32kg on Qantas before. I've heard that if it's a full flight they can get stricter, apparently it's actually dangerous to fly a plane if it's too overloaded weight-wise.
  5. On my recent BA flights last month, baggage restrictions didn't even mention weight and there was no visible weight/scales showing anywhere at check-in . Requirements were simply 'one bag' for checked luggage and one bag for cabin. You're also allowed (apparently) one sporting item for checked luggage. I had an easel and a large tube with some canvases in there that they (naturally) wouldn't let me take on the plane but checked them both with no worries, though my friend in London was really concerned that I wouldn't be allowed to fly with them due to the 'one bag' restriction. Didn't
  6. Surprisingly I had painless and easy travel getting out of heathrow (and flying out) on BA a few weeks back.
  7. Originally Posted By: Fattwins cb you interested in my old car? Hey, if he's not I might be. I need to get something and right now the cheaper the better...
  8. hey thanks, hiya, wave to you both back! Yes, I had really wonderful time, Soubs! I think I can even paint better now too after my course I spent 5 weeks in France (most of it in a small rural chateau village), and 8 days in England, (most of that in a rural area too), so 'twas very lovely, and I probably got the only good week of weather that England had all summer. I heard it was pretty hot here...... I'm gonna have to get out to the beach in the next week or so... the vid looks like too much fun! Also want to check out the area, cos I want to rent a room or perhaps even
  9. Just got back from france/england today, so I just missed it, looks like you had a great time!
  10. yeh, and from me too - I'm outta here first thing tomorrow, won't be back till probably last week of Aug, or hell, who knows, maybe even later! (but probably not)....
  11. yup, a bit of a wobbly, nothing too strong, but it went for a reasonable time..... hope everyone's okay near the source.
  12. I'm flying back with BA unfortunately, at least they don't specify weight.....
  13. Links for you: http://www.vegietokyo.com http://www.happycow.net/asia/japan/tokyo/index.html http://www.bento.com/r-veg.html http://naturalhealingcenter.com/vegetarian.htm
  14. I went to the ward office for something else so I asked them about it. So, we pay less tax, but that makes our net income higher, so our ward tax is then charged from a higher net income rate, and the percentage used to calculate ward tax is double of what it used to be. The handout they give says the difference should cancel out, but the guy told me that in reality we'll wind up paying a 'little bit more'... ummm.. yeh, okay... whatever...
  15. Sometimes have to wear formal wear to work. Thankfully no suits, I'd hate to have to wear a tie
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