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Everything posted by Markie

  1. Moguls? They are silly bumps purposely put on an otherwise perfectly good course in order for us skiers to get some privacy from the snowboarders.
  2. She might have been, but I bet she isn't now! Anyway, sounds like she it really happy, so that's what counts the most. Congrats again, Sharon. Keep riding that high!
  3. Good advice, S_F_G_/sam, I think I'll go right now and have some sex. Thanks. BTW, if you hang you digi-cam from your neck over your chest, unless your suit is very tight, doesn't it feel annoying when it sways from side to side when you are curving those turns? Of course, if you're well built, you can tuck it in the cleavage, then it won't sway much, its well protected and nice and warm, and you will have no shortage of volunteers to help you take it out if you don't feel like taking off your gloves!
  4. No, no, don't attach the digi-cam to the belt, unless your belt is inside your fleece. The digi-cam must be kept in an inside pocket to keep warm, otherwise the battery goes bonkers in the cold. Only take it out quickly and put it back when you take those snaps. Another suggestion worth trying is to make a tight fitting case from material with good insulation and cut small holes for the lens, screen and buttons. This will give your digi-cam a few extra precious seconds before it goes "low-battery....off". That's when you put it back in your suit to warm up again because the battery actually
  5. Isn't it obvious, snowboard_freak? Klubhead is complaining about ME? "too crowded, especially tourists from abroad" Don't worry, I'm giving you guys a break, I'm going to Rusutsu this year.
  6. Brave man, Ocean! I certainly want to whip out poor little Willy when I'm up there unless your protection includes a good fleece lining.
  7. No, no, deebee. I disagree with you again. This time about what you said about Ocean. I will not let you tarnish his good name. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Ocean11: Me, I like to eat a KitKat in the gondola -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oral sex does NOT count! BTW, going back to what YOU did: Quote: . I was so excited that on my first ride up the hill that "it" just happened. Does that count? I think that more than qu
  8. BTW, thanks for recommending www.newschoolers.com That's a cool site too.
  9. I believe that to be a member of the milehighclub, you have to do "it" with someone whilst a mile or more up. I'm guessing your "it", deebee, was by your lonesome, so I'm afraid you don't qualify. Better luck next time!
  10. Congrats, Sharon. I suppose the "only" reason you are telling us all this is to invite us to stop over and stay a few days en route to our ski resorts, correct?
  11. Thanks, danz. That's the best explanation I've heard so far that makes some sense to me. I have been asking people about this and I must have been asking the wrong people. Either they don't know or they know but don't know how to explain it or don't want to. So let's see. The skis need to bend to give you a good turn so more flexible skis for beginners will allow this to happen naturally but it also means they have less control of the turn because the skis are very flexible. With stiffer skis, you can have a more precise control of the turn but you need to be able to control the bend of th
  12. This is all very interesting, jared and danz, thanks. I have heard it has a lot to do with the stiffness and sidecut. But the why and how is still a great mystery to me. For example, danz, what characteristic/s of the beginner skis make it difficult for you to handle and how would this be different on your skis. Somehow I bet the answer to that helps to unlock the secret of better technique. So please do tell more. I'm all ears.
  13. You are welcome, echineko. Now as Chairman of the Echineko Fan Club, I would like to request, on the behalf of our members, that you post some more pictures of yourself,and this time with a face.
  14. This is great news! I asked a cute chick once to sleep with me and she answered: "No till ....." So now the waiting is over,my time has come!
  15. Quote: jezzus mate, you didn't have to tell the world! You were, quite literally, asking for it!!! Funny, that's sounds like my ex just before she left me, and the one before as well. Hmmmmm, maybe I should keep our relationship more discreet. I don't want to lose you too!
  16. Yes, deebee, do take him up on that offer. It's not a good idea for Mogski to be doing it alone if his gal cancels out when he's got that injury. You would be doing each other a favour.
  17. Just out of curiousity, how did you get it, Mogski? Have you seen a doc about it? To stretch it (remembering the operative word is "mildly") I suggest completely relaxing the arm on the injured side and then using the hand of the good side, hold the wrist of the arm of the bad side and lift it gently up till you feel the injured muscles stretching "mildly" and hurting just a little. Hold the position for 30 secs to a minute. Repeat every few hours. It's also something useful to do while you're at the "pot". Try it, if this helps your injury AND your driving, then both you AND deebee will
  18. Mogski, I guess this means you have decided to go out despite your injury. Good luck! I remember when I had a torn ham, it took ages to heal. My doc told me to stretch the injured muscle very very mildly at least twice a day. When I did so, I remember the recovery process speeded up a lot.
  19. Oops, the "Cheese virus" has spread to this thread too! Do you really want to know whether she is a "Cheese fan" or do you really want to know whether she could be a "Cheeseman fan"?
  20. Despite many saying it's over-rated, I still maintain it is the best resort in Japan. So I bet you are all going to have a fantastic time. Where are you going to be staying?
  21. I am a skier and I don't feel offended by what Ocean said. But I guess that doesn't count very much since I got a private email from deebee calling me a "C......" and wasn't offended. This is just my $0.02 but all I am suggesting is that is people read these forums with a light heart, they might enjoy it more.
  22. I agree, J, and Alien was a bad E.T.
  23. All those who are in love with echineko, please vote "yes".
  24. That's what I'm counting on, deebee!
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