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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Curt

  1. It sure was a curious performance by Obama.
  2. It's the first "debate" in 2 hours. How exciting!
  3. Does the JET Programe (still going?) ask for any teaching quals these days?
  4. Wonder how this will affect Chinese tourism to Japan? Already been things on tv regarding lots of cancellations.
  5. 動物園の女性研修生に噛み付いて約2週間のけがを負わせた「天才!志村どうぶつ園」(日本テレビ系)に出演しているチンパンジーの「パンくん」について、園長の志村けんが9月11日(2012年)のブログで「テレビではパンくん暫く見れないかも」コメントした。 それでも、「私達のなかではパンくんいい子」といい、テレビの放送がなくてもパンくんに会いに行くつもりだという。パンくんに噛み付かれた女性についても「癒しに行きたい」と書いており、「動物は優しいよって ただ言葉がしやべれないだけ 人間より優しい」と語った。
  6. Yep sort of the end of the summer. Had enough of it though, fall can't come quick enough.
  7. Reminds me, my fridge has been making lots of loud and strange sounds of late, I think it's on the way out. Good time to get a bigger one.
  8. Anyone catch Clint's rather strange speech the other day?
  9. Almost comes across as childish playground squabbles doesn't it?
  10. Wha What are those brown bits floating around?
  11. It is a good point. There seems to be less and less that I can't get easily here now, so having a few things to look forward to can't be a bad thing. If we can live without them of course.
  12. I'm afraid not. I think it's 4200 yen a year if you want to join.
  13. What, with the Olympics and all, this seems to have been somewhat overlooked.... 6 more gunned down
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