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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ug

  1. Thats it yamakashi - he would not tell me what I did so wrong..... when I (very very politely in Japanese) asked him to remind me, thats when he went off about me being kawai-so and he feels sorry for not knowing what I did wrong....... so I couldn't find out! I have an idea of the situation he might be talking about, but with that (very small issue!) I was certainly not doing anything wrong and was totally polite about it. (I think if you asked most people that know me, they'd describe me as being a very polite and good mannered kinda guy - I'm almost the opposite of the aggressive "str
  2. Problem is Yamakashi I'm not exactly sure what it is I was supposed to have done that was so bad. (And I hate "saying sorry" or implying that if I know I do not need to do that). I know I should just try to ignore it, but it's difficult. I don't want him going round spreading rumors about me or whatever....
  3. I have just had a telephone conversation with a (seemingly ex-) customer and without going into details I was just totally offended by his attitude and what he said to me. I'm kinda shocked right now and trying to think back at the exact situation that he seems to be referring to and for the life of me I am totally 100% sure that what I did in that situation was not only polite but totally correct and in no way offensive to him. Anyway, his call now he seemed to use the time to "get back" at me and really laid into me - starting with the "I'll speak directly just like an American person
  4. Apparently, he now says he will be back 06.
  5. Open to anything, just seem to universally hate anything with the above. Maybe add banjo to that list too.
  6. ...with no exceptions I can think of: - whistling; - harmonica; - brass sections; - slide guitar. Just so annoying. If I heard something good with the above in them I'd give it a chance. Just haven't heard any. Any others?
  7. So can someone tell us where this is "served" in Japan?
  8. ...have traces of cocaine on them. I just read that. I wonder if it is true.
  9. Usually relax without much of a plan. Just a few things I want to do but nothing fixed.
  10. You know the kind. Lots of things to do, almost no energy or will to do them. Basically wasting away time and feeling bad about it. I've been like that for a week or so actually. Not sure how to snap out of it. Any good ideas friends? (I'm not depressed or anything, just don't seem to be able to/want to work)
  11. DaVince Code. Not impressed. Whats all the fuss about. I heard Tom Hanks is gonna be the lead in the movie as well.
  12. Strips of boiled potato added to the top of the pizza along with the cheese, sauces, etc - then cooked.
  13. It might be best not to learn that kind of humor though. Just a thought.
  14. http://www.planearium2.de/flash/spstudio.html But how the hell you save it?
  15. I had a day like that a couple of weeks back. Caught up on some "Moonlighting".
  16. But hopefully they soon will all involve snow. I'm impressed - great page you have there Toque.
  17. ipod buyers guide http://gallery.ipodlounge.com/iPodloungeBuyersGuide2004.pdf
  18. Quote: Besides this girls inaction I don't get that. Why on earth don't they do something?
  19. Go as Santa. Japanese girls like Santa and want to talk with you.
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