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Everything posted by Mudguts

  1. Did you know that it is law in Japan to inform drivers on expressways of upcoming speed cameras. Next time you're on an expressway look for the smallish blue signs(in Japanese) warning you of cameras. You'll see two in a row then a speed camera. Between blue signs drive as fast as your car lets you and never get a ticket again. Couldn't be easier.
  2. Planting grass seedlings onto a cricket pitch in Perth was by far my worst. The day started at 6am. I had to find grass sprouts in a massive pile of clippings, then walk out to the pitch and plant them and return to my pile and start again with the day ending at 4:30pm. I think I lasted 4 days at that job
  3. You guys took your time. I knew I had to get a retort at some stage. Best pow on Honshu. Who knows, but I've had some damn deep and dry powder there over the years. As good as anywhere else I've boarded.
  4. Starship Troopers. What a shocker! Might have redeemed itself if we saw Denise Richards in the nude though
  5. I go the chin goatee because it adds a bit of character to my otherwise lame looking head.
  6. No support for Brazil? I think their goal kicking fire power will be a little too much for the Poms solid defence. Brazil-3 England-2
  7. COMPLETELY Over-rated? Please explain IIIII. Back up such a comment with your reasons why.
  8. Yep. Why not just play on until someone scores? So be it if it takes more time. At least the true winner is determined.
  9. After watching Ireland dominate a game but loose it because the rules state that you must decide the winner with the ridiculous penalty shootouts, I felt I must announce my complete hatred with the system. I just wanted to know what other people think of them.
  10. Why isn't Golden Goal just played until someone scores? So be it if it takes a long time. I've never understood why this hasn't been attempted. Penalty shoot outs are a joke. It bears no resemblance to the game that was just played over 2 hours previously and is pure luck. Why not just junken for the winner. Same concept.
  11. Manza Onsen! The best pow on Honshu and awesome tree runs from the top of the mountain.
  12. Scared the shit outta me and my class of HS students here in Tokyo
  13. Niseko, around the 20th of December- I was up to my nuts in powder all day with hardly anybody around Manza Onsen, mid Feb on a Monday and Tuesday with deep powder everywhere and nobody about. I swear Manza has the lightest and best pow on Honshu!
  14. Niseko, around the 20th of December- I was up to my nuts in powder all day with hardly anybody around Manza Onsen, mid Feb on a Monday and Tuesday with deep powder everywhere and nobody about. I swear Manza has the lightestand best pow on Honshu!
  15. I've never seen anything approaching a 69 degree gradient I once made the mistake of taking on at Whistler.
  16. Waiting in line to get on a lift which can be 20 minutes at some places on certain weekends during the season. Also digging myself out of deep powder rates up there, although I'd take the later over the former any time.
  17. How far do you think Japan will progress in the World cup? I think they'll make the quarter finals.
  18. Depends what you're into but I think Tokyo has all other Japanese cities covered. work,entertainment, not far from the ski fields.
  19. A.I. Just joking! The Matrix, Apocalypse Now, Alien, Fight Club, Holy Grail, Hi Fidelity and an Aussie classic "The Castle"
  20. METAL! Nothing better than charging down a mountain with Limp, Korn, The Step Kings, Lit etc inspiring you onto better things.
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