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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by klingon

  1. Seen those new Game boy advance SP things around. Very stylish looking. Anyone got a GBA?
  2. Me too, mate. So it seems we are the same. We just believe in our own opinions. ....Although I was being accused of being in those mice that you applauded before. Hmm. Anyway, this thread is getting old. Bye.
  3. What exactly does "maji de" mean. I hear it a lot. Is it slang?
  4. Yeah, fantastic mice. Amazing. But not as amazing as the whole big bunch of mice who follow db. Mwahahaha
  5. IIIIIs was the best one liner from what I can remember! Good one!
  6. Well, enderzero, you have lost any respect I might have had for you. Are you just trying to cause a friction here or something? Too much free time or something? Quote: One of the main forum members is removing himself from discussion for the time being. As for the above, if you are meaning db, if you read the thread you will see that his "withdrawl" had nothing to do with so-called 'heavy handed moderation' - he was fed up with another member in that thread if I remember correctly. And I think I do.
  7. And look at this today, seems there was nearly a fight in the air today: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,80109,00.html
  8. And check this out too: http://www.dailyf1.com/en/news/news.php?id=3091 It should be interesting to see the farce in action.
  9. What do you do? I still buy CDs and have not got into downloading music, etc - don't know much about it to be honest. But I'm interested to know - do you download music? Do you pay for it? Do you still buy CDs? Your thoughts on the whole issue....
  10. I've converted a few colleagues. And I'm better than them!
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