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Everything posted by cheeseman

  1. I'm hungry just looking at these photos. Tonight Cheesewoman is making her famous "10 cheeses" pizza. Can't wait!
  2. I get confused with all these "beers that aren't beers". Give me a good pint of Guinness with my cheese and crackers and I'll be a happy man.
  3. Hi Cheesefans It's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Want 4 moulds on your rind? Here you go....! This week, over to Ardrahan Modern, farmhouse, vegetarian, washed-rind cheese made from cow's milk. It usually has a wheel shape. The ridged, brine-washed rind is encrusted with brown, ochre, gray and yellow moulds. Ardrahan is made by Eugene and Mary Burns. It has a distinctive, earthy aroma. Beneath the brine-washed rind, the deep yellow interior is firm and slightly chalky. It exudes a wonderful complexity of flavors, the zesty acidity underscoring the buttery, savo
  4. Hi Cheesefans, it's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. This week, lets go to Sweden. I really like this one. Herrgardsost Herrgardsost is a traditional, creamery, semi-hard cheese. The name means "manor house" in Swedish. It has a round shape and the smooth, pale yellow, natural rind is usually covered with yellow wax. Herrgardsost is very similar to Gruyere but it melts easily and keeps well - it is much more softer and more supple cheese with smaller round holes. It has a mild nuttiness and fresh zing tang. It is ripened for up to seven months and has a fat content of arou
  5. Hi Cheesfans, time for this weeks Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. A really good one this week Brin d'Amour From the tiny island of Corsica comes the most romantic of cheeses: Brin d'Amour translates to 'little bit of love' and after the first bite, you're a goner. The cheese is rolled in dried rosemary with the occasional juniper berry and chili pepper for accent making it rustic, elegant, and delicate all at the same time. 'Rosemary is for remembrance' and Brin d'Amour is unforgettable. This cheese is also known as Fleur du Maquis. -- This sheep's milk cheese from Cor
  6. Hi Cheesefans. Time for another Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Thisweek, over to France: Bleu d'Auvergne Bleu d'Auvergne is a traditional, farmhouse and creamery, blue cheese. This is a moist, creamy cheese with an even spread of veins. It's taste is tart and gluey, with a hint of herbs and melted butter. With age, the crust becomes sticky and eventually the interior gradually collapses and the taste becomes more intense and spicy. This cheese is delicious in salads with nuts or raw mushrooms. It can be also used as a seasoning for pasta.
  7. How was the ãƒãƒ¼ã‚ºã‚µãƒ³ãƒ‰? I have never seen that one!
  8. Very interesting report thank you. There are some great cheeses in that part of the world. I hope you tried them out too.
  9. Sorry for the lack of Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week posts the last month or so. I have been away. Anyway, cheesefans, it's time for the next Cheeseman's Cheese ofthe Week! And this week, over to Denmark... Esrom Traditional, creamery, semi-soft cheese made from cow's milk. It is a rectangular cheese with smooth, sticky, pale yellow color. Esrom has a greasy, yellow-brown rind and is buttery in texture. It has a mild, pleasant taste. Exported Esroms, as a result of their longer maturing may be stronger in flavor. Some Esroms contain garlic, onion or pepper.
  10. Wonderful Metabo Oyaji, thank you. I like your cheese variations each time.
  11. I hate it when people photoshop cheese. One of my pet hates. Cheesewoman doesn't need photoshopping to look wonderfully lovely.
  12. My life revolves around cheese. I would be lost without it.
  13. The new kurosato old fashioneds are really good. And green tea with chocolate too. Really like them.
  14. Hi Cheesefans It's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Where shall we go this week. How about.... England. And some yummy.... Red Leicester Red Leicester is a traditional, creamery, hard cheese made from cow's milk. It has a round shape. The bright, orange-red rind has fine, powdery moulds. A good Red Leicester has a firm body and a close, flaky texture. The flavor is delicately sweet. This cheese can be eaten young, but it should ideally be left to mature for six to nine months.
  15. I find cheese to be good for headaches. Nothing fancy just a nice cheddar or gloucester. Have that with some water biscuits and a glass of milk and you're set.
  16. I hope they serve some good cheeses for you. And please keep a cheese report going too!
  17. Hi Cheesefans. Time for a new Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. This time over to Norway Nokkelost Creamery, semi-hard cheese with the shape of wheel or block. It is a factory-made version of the Dutch cheese Leiden and has been made since the seventeenth century. The name of the cheese means "crossed keys" as it is marked with the imprint of crossed keys which is the emblem of the city of Leiden. The period of maturation is three months.
  18. Myself and Cheesewoman need cheese breaks every so often. I would say 5-6 hours. A lot depends on Cheeseboy and Cheesegirl too. Getting bigger.
  19. Hi Cheesefans It's time for Cheesemans Cheese of the Week again. A nice one from Holland. Maasdam Modern, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is boulder-shaped cheese. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. The cheese was created in the early 1990's as an alternative to more expensive Swiss cheese Emmental. Although there are similarities with Emmental, it is higher in moisture and therefore, more supple. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses, being ready in four to 12 weeks. The flavor is sweet and buttery, with a fruity background, maki
  20. Just make sure you have some cheese handy for situations like this. Not only delicious and nutritious, but fun amongst friends.
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