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Everything posted by rach

  1. TinMachine reminded me of another "phenomenon". Sigue Sigue Sputnik...remember them? They were around for about 10 minutes. If I remember well, they had the amazing idea of wearing fishnet tights on their heads and selling ad spaces on the space inbetween tracks on their album.
  2. Are you ok scouser? Tin Machine. I never really heard them at all but remember them being ridiculed for naffness. I'd like to have one to drive around in, tho.
  3. I don't have the problem so much myself, me being petite and lithe and all that, but the boys are right. If you're a "big boy", then you should really bring your stuff and get it over with. You'd probably regret it if you didn't....
  4. Forgetting the questionable practices of some of the resorts, as you so rightly pointed out - don't you think that most skiers and snowboarders get along just fine and this is a non-issue. My skiing friends may go to do their stuff on different slopes - MOGULS! - but we have lunch together, then check out onsen and all the other things that go to make up a great day. Just don't try to take the lift together, that's all.
  5. Deary me, not much of a response for your appeal here ocey. Maybe when it gets colder. You might even find some of my pics up then. Maybe.
  6. You used to play in a band, Ocey? Tell us more. Oh yeah, no Japanese partner for me.
  7. Gassan too far. SSAWS too far. Everywhere too far....
  8. Yes got them about 3 weeks ago. It's gonna be ultra fab and brill. Are you really going back Ocean?
  9. You've gotta chuckle at those exercises and songs and stuff though don't you think? They look like morons to us, but I wonder what they actually think of them? Do they think "This is moronic and I look real stoopid", or do they think "This is a great bonding session and a wonderful way to start the day both for my body and mind"? I wonder.
  10. Looks like the kind people here are going to provide you with some numbers, regg. Check out that first article they've put online. rach
  11. Do McDonald workers get to stuff ya faces with burgers every day?
  12. Carry on films. Now there's something real natsukashii.
  13. oops forgot the url for the piece... http://www.skijapanguide.com/2002/features/general-56.html (Any excuse to increase my post numbers)
  14. So you're not willing to come down to Kobe for a clandestine meeting then ocey. I'm dissapointed, I have to say.
  15. I think I should most definitely be taken out more than I am. Anyone down here in Kobe willing?
  16. Hey, wanna bit of a chuckle along with the new controversial George Michael vid? You can see it at http://www.aegean.net Haaaaahaaaaa.
  17. Perhaps predictably, no I dont know any Bristol snowboarding shops Ocey. But really, will you be back in bris this summer?
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