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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 7-11

  1. Hey any more tips on this issue folks?? Would like to hear more about other places myself..... Cheers
  2. Must agree to a certain extent with----all of ya! Lets just wait for a DECENT DUMP. I hate boarding on shitty barely covered slopes. We really need to wait until there is well over a meter and snow in the villages to enjoy it. That's where I'm coming from anyway
  3. I'm with you guys on this. Boarding in a herd is just crap, basically. And GAY.
  4. I wonder where people will recommend him too....sorry can't help myself.
  5. My my - it is busy in here today, isn't it? Not a complaint, the more the better. GALA is one of those places that most people either seem to love or hate. I have had mixed experiences there - had an awful Saturday, but an amazing almost empty-Tuesday. The places itself is fine when it's not crowded....a bit narrow courses but that doesn't matter if there aren't 100 other people on it the same time. Pretty bleak though isn't it - no snow up there.
  6. Shibuya work. Machida home. Mountains weekend.
  7. don't want to appear stupid people, but who is GIGI RUF?? 7-11 ii kibun
  8. Try Victoria or Mizuno. Deodorant? Best to bring your own. Japanese people aren't sweaty gits like us gaijin so don't need as much. It's crap anyway here, so just bring some of your favorite from home.
  9. I like beer. It tastes nice. Pity I am not in Tokyo to enjoy the Tokyo beer next week. Have a good time.
  10. Hi mel. have you tried taking it down to Jimbotcho (if you're in Tokyo). Loads of shops down there who I am sure would be able to help you out.
  11. Don't you just love those bunnies that appear on the mountains in winter. Any good stories guys?
  12. It makes so much sense to go to a variety of places. Why just stick to one? Last year I experienced: Sahoro, Furano, Niseko, Rusutsu, Yamagata Zao, Naeba, GALA Yuzawa, Shiga Kogen, Happo, Hakuba 47 & Goryu, Hakuba Cortina. It was a blast. My favorites out of them? 1 Zao 2 Hakuba 47, Hakuba Goryu 3 Furano Niseko comes in at number 4. It's a good place, but if you ask me is over-rated in many people's minds. Have a great time. It's going to be another tour for me this year too. Ivo, where did you get to? 7-11
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