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Everything posted by badmigraine

  1. Two questions: 1. Why aren't people posting URLs to pics of people they have crushes on? Come, come, don't be lazy! 2. I really like that model/actress Ryo , but I wish she weren't so small and skinny. Anyone else like her?
  2. OK, OK, I found it. And I love stories like this one.
  3. Come on, Ocean, what English beers do you prefer? I look for any excuse to go and try more new beverages. Don't make me have to dig up the "what's your favorite beer" thread.
  4. _freak, what I mean is, she dressed and lived as a man...she lifted weights, had a man's haircut and wardrobe,and talked/thought/acted like a man. Then she started picking up effiminate male homosexuals, and having sex with them as if she were a tough guy and they were little ponces. The mechanics of the physical act were not described to me, but I can imagine some of it. Actually, I wish my wife would do some of that to me!
  5. The greatest view I've ever had at a ski resort was the sumptuous, silky, swelling hummocks of this exponentially, otherwordly, sexybeautiful stewardess what Mogs and I seen at Niseko. Even in my aged and jaded circumstances, the mere thought of her still keeps me up at night. I can truly say that it just doesn't get much better than that. Thank God!!
  6. Haw haw haw! Good one! I thought you were going to put the dead roach in his coffee cup, but I like your ending better. Because you got to smarten him up, AND you got the screens. I suppose in the great cosmic arithmetic, the sacrifice of one bug's tiny bumbling spirit saved the lives of countless others who would have flown through your open panes and met with, like, an accident.
  7. Cockroaches are arranged like anything in Japan. You have to understand the local way of handling things. I lived in an apartment where 2-3 cockroaches were on the walls and counters every day, just waiting for me to come home. I'd turn on the light and make some noise, and away they'd scamper. I never killed them or tried to, I don't like to kill bugs if I can avoid it. Karma and all that you know. After some months of this, I came home one day to find the largest cockroach I'd ever seen sitting placidly in the middle of my genkan. As large and ponderous as a toad, he showed no sign
  8. I fancy it would be rather exciting to go gay in Japan...the "undiscovered country" if you will. As a gay foreigner in Nippon, you could live new and free, and think out of the box...no pun intended. You could invent it all from scratch and be the star and a pioneer...much like Charisma Man was. It's really so boring to be gay over here in North America. There's nothing new under the sun. It's all been hashed out and done over so many times and ways. Going gay here in the US would bring the added complexity of constant monitoring of Leading Gays and Correct Gay Thoughts from Sa
  9. Great point, db. This is a sad thing because airlines are already reeling from the Sept. 11 debacle. SARS only hastens matters...we may get cheapo tickets for awhile, but if a few more airlines go bust and the market shrinks, I suppose fares will rise considerably and this is just one facet of a bad economic wind. It's a bit mercenary of me to think about economic effects of SARS when there are people sick and dying, but in fact the economic ripple is just another way for SARS to affect people worldwide. Not good!
  10. Indosnm's right! It kind of depends on what you want to get out of it. If you want exercise and health, then maybe you should try low- or zero-impact kickboxing or Tai Bo or whatever that is. Note that the skills you learn may not help you much in a fight, but boxing is good practice to learn how to dodge, block and slip blows that ordinarily might smash into your face and body. If you are interested in Asian cultural history, you could study one of the traditional styles of Chinese, Korean or Japanese martial arts, with all that means...realize that the course may be very "tradition
  11. Thanks guys for the props! I'm 40 now, it's almost 20 years since I had a migraine like that! As for what I learned, as much as I may have got some inner strength from it, the practical problems these headaches caused re school and social life taught me to escape, to hide, to avoid, to procrastinate, and to be impatient and cynical and bitter about authority figures like doctors and teachers! These are all skills that I put to good use in my job as a lawyer. Mr. Matthews, luck to your younger cousin. Today there are lots of new effective drugs for migraines, including one-t
  12. My imagination comes from this great, really great thick smoky luscious coffee that my wife makes every morning! As a child I had regular migraines every 3-5 weeks, including seeing flashing lights/auras, 8-15 hours of incapacitating pain, nausea and endless swirling ranting delusions like you get in a bad fever...and then it would all stop and give me a blissful euphoric 10 hours or so in which I felt like I was reborn clean or re-animated from the dead. I suppose in some sense it was like being tortured regularly and then feeling blissfully thankful when the torture stopped. There
  13. There is some controversy over the calculation of the SARS mortality rate, because many of the figures show number of cases vs. number of deaths. The problem is that there are many people currently suffering from the disease who have not yet either recovered or died. I read that when they run the figures as number of cases that have reached a conclusion vs. number of deaths, the mortality rate comes back around 18% to 20%. That is a lot worse. On the bright side, it is said that children appear to have a far lower mortality rate. In fact, the docs are saying that many
  14. As much as I sneer at the idea of boob jobs, if there was a male member modification surgery that was fairly cheap and reliable, I might consider it. Actually, I think such a procedure would be more popular and well-received by the women of planet earth if it focused less on size, and more on shape and function. For example, add a few cartiliginous ridges to scrape the g-spot, and insert a remote-controlled vibrating pad underneath it and also in other places where vibration would be welcome. I imagine the cartilignous ridges could be modeled after the Klingon nose of Star Trek'
  15. When I was that age, we used to watch roller hockey...now THAT was a sport! And Batman of course. Julie Newmar in that shiny black skintight catsuit was one of my formative childhood experiences, it has shaped my entire sexuality. MEOW!!
  16. How big did she go? Do you know whether she had any complications?
  17. I was never into the WWF or any of the foreign iterations thereof (Lucha Libre, European, Japanese)... Maybe I was too old to appreciate it, but it always seemed crushingly, utterly insipid and boring... I can't even praise it as cartoonish, because it lacks any of the redeeming features of cartoons...it is like a media fart. Grownups don't watch pro wrestling. Grownups enjoy grownup things, like THIS.
  18. This is just like in Jr. High biology class, where we studied colonies of bugs or rats that grew beyond their maximal population size versus their environment. As the world's population of humans continues to grow, things like plagues and environmental changes will conspire to return it to some state of equilibrium. Human activities greatly increase the numeric effects of these population limiters. Mad cow disease is a great example of disease resulting from unnatural changes brought about by humans, albeit the death toll is not high. Steers/cows naturally eat grasses, not ground up
  19. Re the BBC's detection vans etc., I wonder to what extent modern innovations allow one to avoid detection? For example, watching TV on an LCD screen via cable or Net. I feel like Googling this to find out what their detection equipment actually detects... TAXATION IS THEFT.
  20. Actually, snowboard_freak, I didn't want to show people up, but... I would have a couple of inches REMOVED from my member, so the ladies could handle all of me. Heh.
  21. I'm in pretty good physical shape, but if I had just come into a small fortune and could get unlimited cosmetic procedures done, here's what I'd do: 1. Chemical or laser peels or whatever is best to give 20-year-old skin again. 2. Remove all moles, scars and blemishes from my entire body. 3. Remove hair from some places I wish it didn't grow (I'm no ape man, but I have a few spots that I would prefer hairless! And No, Mogs, I do not mean my tongue.) 4. Get perfect teeth, either using braces or bonding. 5. Have a bubble-butt installed at a Swiss clinic...I was cursed wi
  22. EYES: It's a beauty myth in Asia that big eyes look better. Outpatient eye enlargement surgery is hugely popular in Korea. Many Japanese women actually fly there to do it because it's cheaper and the Korean doctors specialize in it. (Cosmetic surgery for the masses is not yet as popular in Japan as in Korea.) How can you spot it? It's not so easy because some people naturally have big eyes...but beware of big almond or round eyes with no trace of the epicanthic fold. Example: Ayumi Hamasaki. And ever wonder why so many female J Pop stars all have big luscious eyes? Hmmm... NO! Do you really
  23. Ya have to know what to look for! I lived in L.A. so I know.
  24. I wonder how she looked before the boob job, eye surgery, nose surgery and complete set of upper and lower caps?
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