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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by jacko

  1. We ended up getting off the Yaesu side and walking to Ginza. Very easy indeed, even navigating our way out of Tokyo station.
  2. I've generally found from sydney that JAL is approx $350 more (depending upon travel dates) than jetstar to tokyo. Its also a lot less hassle as the JAL / Qaintarse flights are direct rather than stuffing around changing planes in cairns or the gold coast and lugging gear between terminals (cairns). JAL also has the bonus of 2 X 23kg bags compared to poostars 1 20kg bag limit (a real challenge with heavy skis and ski boots that rack up 14kg alone!). I have had a JAL discount airfare at around $1100 one year and a qiantarse one of $1200 one time. Poostar doesn't seem to do the 2 for 1 to jap
  3. Hahaha. I was reminded of this thread as I passed the jetstar check in line here in narita on way to/from black cat courier. Typical - 2 staff to check in 2 plane loads of punters. Jal? At least 12 check in counters, all moving efficiently. Buddha less Japan!
  4. how about... monkey in a snowsuit?!?!?! even has its own video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lviJKjQ0lyY
  5. yes. seems to be behaving now. sometimes... ie. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! seems to struggle when more than 1 pic at a time is uploaded - could be a size or time issue....
  6. yes, now able to login to main site for adding photos. I added all the tags and some pics, hit the upload button... waiting .... waiting.... then wham Page Not Found Error404 getting closer
  7. Just what the hell is that?!?!?! Are they some sort of Japanese devil spawn? Did a couple of ski area mascots have relations that resulted in the birth of that?
  8. Did you go to KVB Kunlan? They specialise in Yen. Was able to get Yen103.5/$1 back mid 2013 when it hit 105. Having been to Japan during times of Yen50/$1 and as high as 110 - 103.% was fantastic. Heading in a couple of weeks and need to grab more Yen. Yes indeed, a kvb customer! They do a great rate.
  9. Furano. Had 4 days skiing there in 2012. The snow was excellent but I found the terrain was kinda dull. A few too many gentle flatish runs for my liking. I'm glad I've been but its not on my list of places I'd return to.
  10. I very happy as I've managed to get ¥91.5 to AUD1.00 (trading rate ¥93ish), much better than any local bank here in Sydney who'd only cough around ¥87.5 to the dollar. thieves.
  11. i'm afraid you lot are too quick for me. The other places I've been in Japan (rutustu, hakuba) I couldn't post any pics as it was waaaaaaaaay to obvious. Clearly the same applied here!
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