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Doktor Avalanche

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Doktor Avalanche

  1. Just spent a bit of time on it. So easy to get round and fine places too. The search tool is wicked and having that top search for resorts is cool too. Easy to find Mt Granview!
  2. I was planning a Gala day but it turned out to be a rare one (these days) when it was closed the other week. Went to a bar instead.
  3. I've been put off Sugadaira, just heard too many negative things about it. ippy, you included! As I love Myoko, it's a no-brainer.
  4. I'm well 'ard, but I just couldn't. They'd have to be made to not look insect-y.
  5. Weekend. Lots of places have kids days on Sundays as well, especially 3rd of the month.
  6. Good to read about Fukushima. Those dudes really get into their parts don't they.
  7. I downloaded it the other week. Seems to me that you really need a touchy device to enjoy it proper. And I can't say I want a computer on my desk with touchy stuff. Takes a lot of getting used to and even after a few days thought it kind of looked nice, I can't say I like it.
  8. Here it is: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/hotel/nagano-hakuba-accommodation.php
  9. I watched Licence to Kill recently, I thought it was pretty decent really. Sanchez was a good (realistic) baddy. And the exploding head was good. Nice eye candy ladies too, though the dark haired one's 'acting' was pretty hilarious.
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