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onsen tamago

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Everything posted by onsen tamago

  1. Here it is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaWRc3PmlbM&feature=related
  2. Haha yes I do remember that. I don't think it was quite on the same scale though. "The group, which takes its name from the geeky Akihabara district of Tokyo, is behind a succession of million-selling singles, and generated sales of more than US$200 million in CD and DVD sales last year alone."
  3. Never knew there were places like that. Thanks for the report.
  4. Aw, go on tell us about it Chriselle! Yes flying isn't the greatest of fun is it.
  5. I think that it will have gone for good now. Going to be getting quite hot today. Fun while it lasted! Rainy season is my least favorite time of the year though, easily. Fingers crossed it's a short one this time round.
  6. I really enjoy getting on a local train sometimes and exploring that way. You see a lot more than you do on a shinkansen.
  7. Goes to show hey. Let's risking. Generally, if a generally exists, which would you choose for snow conditions Go Native - December or March?
  8. Staying at a friends house for this part of GW and they have no curtains - just the Japanese style paper sliding thingies, forgot the name. This morning the sun was coming in and woke me up before 6am. Arrrggghhhh!
  9. Good to hear that. Have you had any more "reminders" send to your overseas home?
  10. 5 higuma bears escaped from a "bear park" in Akita! If you see one please return! ヒグマ5頭脱走、1人不明…現場に倒れた女性も 20日午前10時頃、秋田県鹿角かづの市八幡平切留平の「八幡平クマ牧場」で、熊が逃げたと従業員から119番があった。 鹿角署によると、敷地内のオリからヒグマ5頭が逃げ出し、飼育担当の70歳代の女性従業員が熊にかまれてオリの外で倒れている。動きがないが、ヒグマが逃げているため、救急隊員も近づけないでいる。当時、60歳代の別の女性従業員も勤務していたが、連絡が取れない状態という。 同署の発表によると、従業員3人が餌をやるためオリを開け、襲われたという。一緒にいた60歳代の男性は無事。正午過ぎ、地元猟友会がクマ4頭を射殺したが、1頭がオリの近くをうろうろしているという。 同署は近くの国道341号を封鎖、地元猟友会と協力して警戒している。鹿角市は広報車で巡回し、牧場付近に近付かないよう市民に注意を呼びかけている。 県警によると、同牧場は熊約50頭を飼育。現在は冬季休館中で、例年は4月下旬から営業している。
  11. I saw that, the Great Summits program? Amazing mountain I really want to get to Switzerland one day. I like hiking but nothing extreme. I don't think I could do something like that, but I love watching documentaries of other people doing it. Must be an amazing feeling.
  12. Got 12 hours in yesterday and 11 last night. And feeling sleepy! That's not usual though, just been really busy. Weekdays I get about six and a half hours in.
  13. Is there a way round that? Like buying the tickets overseas?
  14. About ipads - is it because you can't open them or something?
  15. I have always disliked flying, even when it was 'more glamorous'. But I definitely make sure to have the veggie meals, they are more reliable.
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