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Everything posted by Jynxx

  1. Born Bankok Thailand to Japanese parents, Preparatory school in London, High school Japan, Naturalized Australian '88.
  2. Congrats ! I'm getting married to my German girlfriend !
  3. I'll say it again. You guys are all right. Just to clarify myself I'll state the following. I'm a naturalized Japanese Australian ('88) and because I used to work as an interpreter that got me to a lot of places and meeting people in different industries.. I don't know if I am disgruntled, but I admit Australia is no longer the country I fell in love with 30 years ago. The values have changed. The ones that haven't changed, like Aussies are charitable when things go up shit creek are purely admirable. Down to earth warm hearted. Stuff of Henry Lawson. And the sense of humor Aussies have alwa
  4. That sucks! real downer when it snows a little and get light cover and the next day it's pissing down... happens here, too. I just shoveled our driveway ...and now it's coming down heavier.. ooooooh
  5. That would have got him puzzled and you the talk of town... White day... checked Wikipedia and it says started 1978 as Marshmallow day marketed to men to return the choco favour received. Honestly I was in Tokyo around that time but never heard of it or seen it. I really don't know when it became standard practice....I don't think it was early 80's thing. I can't remember my sister getting white choco, either... she didn't like the valentine thing, either...hold on she did get some when she was older! sorry sis..maybe it was Giri-choko, too....oh, shit...I better shut up.
  6. That is curious! What about the next valley or around the other side of the mountain? sometimes even 5 km may make a difference snowing or not?
  7. I thought most of the population in Australia live on the coast. well, that's what I was taught. I have heard your opinion countless times by people who live on the land, Nimbin is not typically Australian, but nor is Tamworth where people pretend it's Nashville and wear cowboy hats and boots like yanks... yeah, right..I've lost touch. The Olympics and Howard fu(ked up oz pretty bad I and I reckon a lot of people lost touch when there's a lot of racial tension and violence. I went searching for a place where it's easy on asians. There's no way I can live outta Sydney, or other major cosmopolit
  8. Yesterday when I woke there was 10 cm in Munich and light snow during the day, today it's snowing! Expected to snow for the next week. Finally! I'm told this happens here. Japan usually gets snow earlier but late snow in Feb has happened so keep your fingers closed. cheers and keep up the snow dance
  9. It's called "Giri choco" -meaning obligatory (custom) choco... Invented buy the boys (even when they don't eat it) who gets none
  10. Mate, course no one wears them to work. Down at the beach in summer, I'm talking about. Like, Bronte, Northern beaches, Byron... admittedly people wear boardies these days. It's not the 80's any more.... The fabric look and dreads have gone out of style.. unless you go to Nimbin I am now in Germany but I have lived in Oz for over 20 years (lost count)
  11. Thanks guys for your kind words... I didn't get any instruction on how to fall from my instructor, and falling when the speed picks up or your body is not in a familiar position is a different story to the introductory how to fall lesson others have gotten. Mr. Brissie, I have to disagree from you. Being a ex-applied physics student at UTS, physics does not explain duck stance makes life more difficult Rather, look at martial arts and study their stance. It is often called the natural stance for good reason. It is stable and well balanced. Look down and check your feet. Mine is duck. I
  12. Then that makes me 22 ... looking forward to finally getting older with her
  13. I contemplated and practiced falling a bit. SG said relaxing is good and it holds true. Goodone! But flapping my arms like a ragdoll is no good because you can get your arms caught and do damage to shoulders. With hands, If you make a fist, one tends to tense up, making it hard to relax. But, if you curl your fingers and form a loose one like you have a small ball in your palms, it works good, I don't catch my fingers and my wrist is more protected from twists and bends. Punching, forget it IMO. I'll try and put my arms to the side of the body so it doesn't get caught between my body. Probably
  14. Hey, Mamabear. That's how the Japanese ended up as a race that has weak digestive system with no-resistance to germs. Bit of germ is a good thing. Makes you tough. Can't say that of water, though. cheers everyone
  15. I read this thread with a lot of interest. Hey, you guys are all right.... having said that, You can't judge a book by a cover (old saying applies here) and one has to be responsible for your emotional reaction. Quite frankly, It's none of anyone's business how one dresses up. But you can take advantages of "society accepting you" by the way you dress. Dress codes, judgement, psychological power-play apply in many situations around the world because a lot of people are convinced what you wear is what you are. Let's go back 30 years, Most Japanese will look at a Scottish kilt and conside
  16. At the moment I like wide open area. After mostly short narrow runs in Honshu, European Alps is a dream. And I'm not that good yet to go deep powder. Knee deep powder, steep bowl, thumbs up.
  17. My girlfriend has changed to slight duck from both positive. I don't now how she can ride with such a variation after 5 years but she is enjoying riding switch for the first time and good at it. So, that is why the lifties are smiling...I thought because I always say gooday I don't know about the girls... she's going to hassle me if I check them out too much.
  18. Well, when I stand and look at my feet, it's slight duck stance, not both positive... When I tried surfing in Oz nearly 30 years ago I was picking myself up both goofie and regular. I don't surf anymore. by the way... Now I am practicing my switch more, eventually I will ride it pretty much the same. I think it will be great! Imagine going off a natural kicker in pow, you don't have to complete the air with 360's. Can do 180 increments.
  19. So hitting the shoulder happens, sudden slips on ice there's nothing you can do happens, getting the wind knocked out falling forward... understood, shit happens to everyone. I've written off my 1st fracture as bad luck, and my 2nd for going too woo-pee. I'm leaving an edge track like a Alpine carve board with my Burner now. My Italian Instructor taught me to maintain pointing your shoulders in the direction you are going. use knees and put weight in and out, lean to the tip of the board so it goes into the fall line. Now, I can feel the different ways to turn, or rather what the boar
  20. You mean my stance setup? I set mine at +21, -15 duck. I can understand your reasoning for front foot angle increase but I've dialed it in where it feels good to go and can ride switch. I don't have that much "Ganimata" (bow legs) to go +30, -21 but I 'll try out another 3 degrees on both sides. cheers for your insight....
  21. Man....how to do that? go floppy... I am going to chew on this. Maybe when you are floppy it's more like some people have better guardian angels? I like it though cheers
  22. Catch bands used to be the norm for skis. The consensus were that when you fall you can get tangled with you own ski and hence injuries..like ski hitting your head, cuts from edge.. After changing to step-in stoppers, I still got cuts and hitting my head. Those days no one wore helmets other than DH racers. Yeah, I lost one ski in pow and couldn't find it in summer. Catch band in pow saves money !
  23. I have my dad's allergic to alcohol Japanese genes.. Don't like the taste of it either.
  24. Thanks, guys... Recently, I got myself a Salomon Burner for freeride situation, like bombing a bit and pow and hard snow and I love this board. Doesn't slip out under me on icy condition, edging is wow, it's stable and it gets better with speed. I don't fall on this board and I think the reason is I am aware about the speed I am going and the need to be in control. Fusion is so loose I feel I can do things I used to do with ski and more. I like getting into The Zone, where everything slows down, fluid, reactions instinctive..Yes. My friends tell me I go wild on this board and both of my frac
  25. O.K. I need advice on how to fall down snowboarding. Here is the background story; 1st day I fell down over 150 times had bruises like I never had before but got my heel side turn. 2nd day 50 times to get my toe side and link 'em. Hit my head and got concussed like when you get knocked out and you are aware but your body can't move...3rd day, I've got helmet, back protector, wrist guard and my new Santa Cruise TT Fusion and an instructor and wow! magic happens and in a weeks time I am carving edge to edge and keeping up with my girlfriend who's been boarding for 5 years. 11 days and I can go d
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