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Everything posted by Jynxx

  1. I think you are onto something there... whats your thinking? narow and longer for the glaciers, shorter, wider, more setback and some taper for the trees? Essentially YES. To elaborate ... I have to say, Powder deserves to be thought differently ... like Ice or morguls. And Trees are a different game as well. I think there are 2 analogies in regards to float . One is a skipping stone - like skimming the surface of powder. Another is aeroplane wing flap - lift created by the angle of incidence. In both case, Speed is your friend To help this speed, longer narrower boards fits pe
  2. Well .. bugger that. You are putting equipment to the test compared to me because you subject them to twice the Force. Bummer about losing the footage, though! Stepchild powder Og is great buy at the moment imo, too. You can get it for 200 instead of folking out 400 for a Voelkl, Elan, soulsurfer types . I like a little taper because it really makes the board carve, but 1 cm is enough. Over that, even at my weight I feel the tail sliding out when going fast on piste. (especially when a bit icy) 2cm taper is no way enough to claim something special for powder. That´s a joke. Think about the
  3. The vid are great. I like BM´s ones. too. Really interesting to look at how the different boards are ridden. BM has a way (I reckon it comes from his skate and ski days ...) to actually make his board float as if he is making himself lighter at times. One thing for sure is these gentlemen have jelly knees. Seemore, I´ve ridden a Pantera before ...Magnum is the rea-lly wide one, isn´t it? I reckon it will make a good swallowtail. I think it needs to be cut out to sink the tail. Powder boards ...Does make me think, one for steep trees and another for glaciers
  4. Forgot to add ... keep it coming (vid) But .. Forget the gopro on the stick if you are gonna go thru trees like that... fast ! Few close shaves there ...Take it easy mate
  5. Cheers mate, Really dig that ! Yeah, you are dialing in. You got speed with you so the nose floats and consequently find it easier to turn ... That´s wasn´t happening in the first batch of vids. I know it´s a matter of commitment but my head tells me to slow down in the trees, but I need a bit of speed to make shorts turns in the tight trees so ... catch22 Very fast run in the trees ... Gutsy ! Looks like your board has become something else ... Can see the swallowtail working on piste, The tail is softer because of less material but the set back make the tail short so that doesn´t
  6. Forgot to say .. THanks for the vids.! I was looking forward to your feedback about your DIY swallow ...
  7. No arguments there.. It makes sense. I wrote before reading your reply. I say it is still too short for you. I wonder how people think a 160 mid width board would float at your weight... Like I said before, I would love to ride a 172 swallow (at 60 kg) . You need a 186. Talking about fast. Shuuure, a 172 would beat a 160 any time. If you are not overtaking skiers, you aren´t going fast.
  8. Not sure ... But my line of thinking is : 1) This is a classic example that the nose shape is important. In this case , if the nose is pointy (like Dupraz. Nitro slash) shape, it will help. If not, then the nose should be longer, meaning probably a longer board. 2) Also a good example of the trade off with set back and speed loss - meaning that the nose lifts but slows down the board. This is not a bad thing if you are snowboarding steep tight trees. By burying the tail you can brake the board. An advantage with swalowtails. But in this case, the bake is reducing the speed and thus reduci
  9. Interesting vid... you can see that the nose is not quite floating but hitting against the snow thus acting like a break.
  10. In any case, no amount of equipment is going to assure your survival. What bugs me is that people should think themselves dead and lucky to survive if they get hit by an avalanche. In a tree area, you might die by trauma hitting a tree. In that case, the snowpulse is designed to rap your head and give you some protection. Apparently. some people have an isssue about that is going to restrict their vision. .. Another thing is, If you are relying on someone for your own survival, there is foundamentally something wrong ! I´m in Germany and we have here, ABS, Snowpulse, Mammut. I´m think
  11. Disagee on that. The chances that it´s just not going to be just one of us but a lot of us will get buried at the same time.. In that senario, who is left to dig us out? Is it going to be the draw of luck that you get digged out alive first? We are talking about survival here and not body recovery. Another thing is that the chances of survival reduces with the depths you get dragged down under the snow. Airbags are meant to counter that so you are very close to the surface and apparently the airbag portion is above surface.
  12. YES. Unfortunately with age, I need glasses and light to see but the job itself is easy.
  13. At the moment, the canisters are either refillable, or exchanged. Gas content is either air, nitrogen or CO2. Air is the way to go because you have extra air to breath in the event of being buried. But Travel regulations are different from continent to continent For example, regulated gas pressure is different from USA, Canada, Europe. Even the type of Gas (as above) allowed is differrent. This is the air travel thingy...
  14. So, I ordered a pair of Boa wires that are shorter for my missus´ Van Encore single Boa Strung them only on the upper part of the boot so they tighten the ankles and not the width of the feet. Success ! Missus reckons they are much more comfty. Probably won´t need any laces on the lower section. We were trying to sell the pair after she wore it for 5 days. Problem solved !
  15. I have a Toko brush. Half brass, half nylon. Creates wax dust, (use mask) so I don´t bother about brushes any more. Just need to keep the Acrylic scraper finely edged when scraping. Since I run a metal edge on my base when there are gouges, that takes off some wax, and I don´t do base wax with Iron unless I take off the wax to p- tex over the gouge. Small gouge that run along the length of the board, I don´t bother. Tip : If you don´t want to buy that stinking wax remover - Use pH neutral detergent with lemon juice or vinegar
  16. I do wonder why anyone would like to live where it´s flat and so many blow flies getting into your face ...
  17. No way, in my days as school or university student. We used to have stand up guys called Ban-cho . Some where women (very rare) but they were the protectors of the school kids. If we get mugged or beaten by other schools, they will deal with it. If we here anything like a female student getting beaten by a guy, whether he is a boyfriend or not, there will be some justice... Not all girls were soft in our days. Some carried weapons. Double razor blades being the favorite. I will omit the construction details of this weapon but when slashed in the face, it becomes impossible to stitch up the
  18. Somehow, after 4, 5 years of missing out on Aussie summer, I really miss and look forward to the stinking hot days .. Provided there is a southerly blowing at the end of the day or, a thunder storm with a shower ...
  19. Whatever boots ... We, whoever, giving advice on this forum over the year agree on one thing. Does it fit ? Have you tried them on before ordering it over the internet. All comes down to the feel you like Some have wide feet, some have narrow ... In general, cheaper models tend to pack out soon. Companies like Nordica, Rossi make lots of models and the lower ones are pretty shitty imo. I had rear entry ... An old Hanson. Some people loves them some hates them. I meet some people who are still wearing old Salomon rear entry in Austria/Germany. Always we have a good yarn about the
  20. Thinking Airbag rather than just a backpack for carry. If I go the splitboard option then strapping a board to a pack is no longer an issue.
  21. Just heard a good friend of mine´s young brother died of a heart attach during a soccer match last year. He had a modelling career and played for a Brazilian league. Age 23.
  22. Not really a big fan of tree runs .. Quote/ It really doesnt get any more simple than that. They are completely avoidable and signposted by a tree! / Unquote. Not true. Ever heard of target fixation ? I´ve seen a lot of people fixating on things they want to avoid crashing into... and doing so.
  23. Salomons are great for narrow feet. Would be one of my choices for the next boot. Malamutes, F20, 22 ... (They make great ski boots. Actually I have one. Just in case I go on two planks for old times sake ..)
  24. Talking about DIY on your board. Just carry a diamond file or stone with you. Don´t use a metal file if you don´t have to. What I mean is that metal files are for getting the rough bumped metal off your edges. They are not for making the edges sharp. And you only use Very Fine files to do this. When you have metal bits that peeled and you can feel it running your fingers, you use files. The thing is you don´t want to shave off and reduce that mass of your edges. If you lose a mm or two of the base by running over a rock, I wouldn´t worry too much. For day to day, the best one to use is diam
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