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Everything posted by tokabochi

  1. I see today in the local news that Gala Yuzawa have that 350m course open over summer, the one that they usually open early ski season when snow is touch and go. I bet it would be fun on a sweltering summers day up there.
  2. Can they fly all the way to the moon then? Even man can't do that!
  3. It has been ALMOST cool here today.
  4. I've got the day off. I think I'm going to go for a bike ride up on Uonuma Skyline.
  5. Originally Posted By: muikabochi I was right up close for the Shiozawa ones. Amazing it was. With mountains pretty much surrounding the town on all sides, the very load bangs richocheting around really added to it big time. First time I had noticed anything like that, but it was awesome. Yes that was fun muika. Only about 300m from lift off area. They made on heck of a noise around the mountains. Great stuff.
  6. Been a number of rumbles in north west Nagano, Omachi area - near Hakuba actually - since this morning which I hadn't noticed before. Hope thats not the next one to set off. Interesting to see the patterns that emerge. That one in Matsumoto the other week was preceeded by a run of small ones coming out of what seemed like nowhere.
  7. As long as those things - and any other creepies - don't try to come into my house, I can live with them.
  8. Yeah howling winds here this afternoon. Gone cloudy now.
  9. Another of those fast cut, end it with a headache, but no interesting story trailers
  10. Yeah good luck with that. Always a difficult kind of situation. But a bit of uncomfortable-ness is inevitable sometime down the line if things aren't going to be spoiled.
  11. Mountain Park Tsunan in Tsunan will be closed "until the end of March 2015" according to the local paper this morning. Hibernation mode, it seems. One of the smaller places. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/resort_map.php?resortNo=33 Tsunan is right on the border of Niigata-Nagano, next to Sakae village and so I would imagine pretty shook up by the earthquake on 12th March. It's about 20 minutes from where I live in Tokamachi and about 25-30 minutes from Nozawa.
  12. From what you say they do not seem to have cottoned on that you don't want them with you. That is a problem. You might just have to be more forthcoming on that.
  13. We seem to have had tons of rain this year actually in these parts.
  14. Yeah I have that on here now. I was just mentioning to my friend here to please tell her parents not to be silly and keep it turned off. It really is dangerous all this pressure.
  15. I'm thinking of going up there in August. Does it still get hot there or keep fairly cool? What sort of temp dudes?
  16. Heavy rain last night. When I hear it coming down like that, always wonder how and why it does it with such force.
  17. Originally Posted By: Black Mountain What exactly is the "countryside"? Different things to different people but.... Originally Posted By: Black Mountain Around here, people say they live in the countryside (inaka) but its still a city of 200,000. .... not that!!
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