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Besides English and possibly Japanese, what languages can you speak? Well or not so well. Were they hard to learn? What is the most difficult for you?


I speak English and am studying Japanese. I studied some German in school but hated it.

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Studied (for want of a better word) French and Gernam at school and was hopeless at both. I wasn't in the least bit interested, that surely had a lot to do with it.

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I studied French for years and got pretty good at it. I can still interpret Jacques Chirac's grimaces, gestures and shrugs with the sound turned off.


But I learned more German from a short course of German girlfriends than I did from a long course under the scary Frau Hubbold at my school.


I can also order 2 beers in Spanish.

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Japanese.. in a rut right now

Indonesian - easiest lang in the world, forgotton heaps but a week there and it all comes back!

Spanish - A short stint in MEX

Portuguese - brazo girlfriends


last 2 only can remember tiny bit now...

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Can't actually speak them, but do know useful phrases in:


Italian - from working in an Italian restaurant

Magyar - from having a Hungarian girlfriend

French - from learning French in year 1 & 2 at school

Gaelic - from being Scottish

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English - obviously! \:D


I studied Japanese at school for three years, at the time i wsn't very interested, but i wished i had kept on doing it. I can't remember much of it but can still read some of it, even if i dont understand what it means!!


I also did German, French and Latin at school for a short time but didn't enjoy any of them much either.


When i lived in Hong Kong (when i was 10) i studied Mandarin for about a year or so. Needless to say i've forgotten it all!!

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