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I thought it would be interesting to start a thread with the last album you got and maybe even write a short little review about it.


Here's mine:


Artist - Hed (pe)

Album - Blackout


This is their latest album and is a mixed bag. It's not the same as their earlier albums which i think is a bit of a shame, as i really enjoyed their last two albums because they have a very unique sound. It is a good album however.


There are a couple of tracks that still have the roots of their earlier stuff which is good. Then some are a bit more rock sounding than the earlier songs. Less rappy. Then again some of the songs are quiet soft and chilled out.


In short, a good album, mixed up, but not the same as their earlier albums.



Anyone else care to add their reviews?


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fair topic sf. things are gettin a bit slow here aren`t they?


last album/cd- `punkarama 4` good psyche-up music before a session. all tha usual suspects- pennywise, rancid, no doubt, tom waits, no use for a name,,, yada yada yada. only paid 200 yennies for it- no complaints...


god i`m bored...

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cool topic...


Band: Allman Brothers Band

Album: Hittin' The Note


First studio album in 9 years for the brothers...and well worth the wait...this album is SMOKIN'...if you like blues, southern rock, and just plain jammin pick this disc up...


I love it



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it was in one of those like `specials` trays or somethin, i dunno, can`t rememba, maybe, sorta, UNO?


ohh god i` bored.

and, get this, i`ve gotta go to an enkai tanite. ohhhh... i`m so over playin tha freakky gaijin :rolleyes:


what are you doin this weekend Nekkers, luv?


god i`m bored

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Thievery Corporation - The Mirror Conspiracy and other tracks.


How appropriate that name, as I didn't buy the album, I stole it using Kazaa Lite. (Record companies take note: I wouldn't mind paying, if I could download the tracks I like. But CDs or even vinyl? Sorry, I've got no use for them... Last CD I bought was maybe Morning Glory by Oasis)


Review? It's good, as is all their music. Cool lounge atmosphere, sweet melodies and beats, a mix of latin, indian, middle eastern, and dub. Most of the artists on their label are worth a listen.

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IM thinking VERY hard about when i last bought a CD uunggggh aahhmmmm...


Ok last CD I aquired was Love Box by Groove Armada and like ever GM album the first listen is a blase "oh yeah" and then after a few times you just cant take it out of the player. Nice mix of stuff some rocking, some lower mood stuff. Highly recommended if you liked hello nightclub goodbye country and a big arigato to Ender0 for the pressie.

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Possible reasons >>---


- feeling bad about downloading for free ("stealing"?) and not paying for the product?


- and wanting to support favorite artist


- wanting to have the original product (case, booklet, etc)

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I wasn't accusing you of anything. You just asked "Why buy when you can rent or download" and I suggested reasons.


Apart from the debatable issue on record companies "stealing" from us for years....if someone steals from you, does it make it then ok to in return steal from them??

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I bought DJ Yoda's "How to Cut & Paste Vol 1" yesterday to go along with Vol 2 (which I bought 2 weeks ago). Good fat beats with some funny skits in between and fine-crafted scratching.


Unsolicited comments on everyone else's purchases:


1. powwwers: any Bouncing Souls on that punkorama mix?

2. Ocean11: I think TC's latest album "Richest Man in Babylon" is even better than "Mirror Conspiracy". I highly recommend you pick it up/pull it down.

3. Zwelgen: How do you like that Red Rat tune on there? That was the only one that kept me re-playing the disc originally 'cause it was so bu-bu-bouncy. cool.gif

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Goemon, the 'other tracks' I mentioned are from Richest Man.


Have you tried the other artists on this link?



Nicola Conte is good. Stolen lots of him too.


iwatehead, do you believe in those reasons, or are you just presenting them as possibilities? Personally, I don't need 'the original product' and if I did, that too could be distributed over the Net. As for the rest, if they presented products that suited me better, then I'd be more inclined to pay for them. That's why I wasn't buying albums anymore anyway.

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I understand both sides of the coin on this one, so don't strongly believe in the points I brought up. I was just presenting them as possible reasons.


Just for the fun of the discussion, here's another one....


When you say that "if they presented products that suited me better, you'd be more inclined to pay for them" - how does that reasoning hold up if you are downloading some parts of an artists work etc? Usually don't we either want and buy a product, or decide not to buy because it doesn't suit us? With many products we can't just buy the bits we like (ie the middle creamy part of a creme egg but not the chocolate!). It is just that the internet has made it possible to do this in this case. But the fact that we can do it doesn't make it right. Aren't we still effectively "stealing" (in some peoples opinions), whether we steal a bit or a lot?


Again, I've not completely made my mind up on the whole issue myself, so I'm not doing any bashing here just bringing up a few ideas!!



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