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This is taken from my online SJ Journal. Pic to come later in the week.


All week the weather looked bad for the weekend. I was really exited to ski Mount Norikura as the Skyline Road was opening on May 15. I had originally wanted to overnight it however the weather report Friay night called for heavy heavy rain Sunday so I cancelled that part and just did it as a day trip with the option of hiking out to Hirayu Onsen if I had the energy.


I woke up early Saturday morning and geared up for a solo trip. (Matt was in Tokyo and Erik didn't want to come all the way up as weather was sketchy) Riding my bike through town in Mid-May wearing my longjohns and knee high ski socks with skis and boots attached to the bag was an odd fealing as I knew I was getting many more looks than I normally get. It was really warm and I was regretting wearing the longjohns. I caught the 8:20 bus and with people gauking at me took my seat. I got off the bus to transfer at Honoki Ski Resort and saw a few other skiers. So I wasn't the only person with turns in mind. Boarded the next bus and was at the top by 10:00. It was far cooler up high and I was now happy to be wearing the extra clothes. Already at 2700 metres the summit was only a short 300 more above me. The Norikura Skyline Pike is the highest road in Japan.


I quickly geared up and was on my way up the road. I passed many skiers and a few snowboarders on my way up. At a corner in the road however they all went around a different way. I wanted to make the summit so kept going up. Little did I know that the road I was on only went to the observatory. I kept going up passing two snowboarders going the other way. 1 of them in broken english asked me my purpose. I said skiing and pointed at a snowfield beyond. She said okay and told me that the trail to the summit was back behind where everyone else was turning off the route. Oops. Already a ways up to the observatory I kept trucking and decided to get a run in on the snowfield beside the road. A helicopter was buzzing me for a while and I later found out it was a news crew filming me. I made the Saturday Evening news. At the top of the snowfield I dawned boots and skiied down beautiful corn. At the bottem I ditched my boots in the bushes and found the correct trail. Going around a corner in the ridge the summit came into view along with many many other skiers. There were probably 100-150 people hiking up the snowfield. I was not alone at all. This was kind of reasuring though as I fealt a lot safer. I had brought my skins along however decided to just boot up the snow as it was pretty easy. Some of the skiers was skinning up a ridiculously steep slope. I passed them with ease watching them try to make kick turns and fall glad it wasn't me. I quickly made the summit at 3026 metres and the obgliatory summit shot. Clicking into skis after some food I skied a nice open steep line down to a road below. The snow was great.


At the bottom of my run I noticed that the blue sky was gone being replaced by clouds. Also the wind had picked up. I had made 2 runs already however I wanted to get 2 more so I booted back up to the ridge which was super tiring. Along the ridge the wind was very strong and I had trouble keeping my enthusiasm. But after a little rest I spotted a nice line next to the snowfield of my first run. I made my way along the ridge stumbling on the big rocks in my clunky alpine boots. Is there an easy way to hike on rocks in alpine boots? The wind was very strong threatening to blow me off me over but finally I made it to the top. Taking my skis of my backpack they almost blew away until I had them on the snow. Clicking in I decsended down snaking my way through the rocks. Nice and steep. A few people on the road below had stopped to watch. Each turn the wind would pick up the corn and blow it into my face which was interesting. The run ended in a pond and the snow had seperated in places making little crevasses however these were easy to ski across. At the bottem I walked over to my hiking boots and 1 of the people watching came over to me. He had his arms crossed in an X and looked very stern. They wern't fans. They were the police. He informed me through a rather stern lecture of very poor english that I had skiied through the mountain huts water supply and was not allowed to be there. I looked up at the tracks and pointed to them explaining that I had done it twice. He just glared at me and couldn't understand why I would be so happy with my huge smile. He then informed me of another area where I was not allowed to ski which was my next line. Oh well I was super tired anyways.


I made my way back to the bus area and sat down. The 2 snowboarders from earlier in the day came over to chat and I made some good friends. Both of them like the backcountry and were equipped for safe travel. Also they both ride at one of my favorite Hida Gifu hills. So after exchanging numbers we promised to get out together next winter. The girl was pretty cute as well. They then led me inside where there was a huge barrel of free sake. I filled a coffee mug up to the very top and downed it. Very nice way to end the day.


So all in all it was a lot of fun. I skied 3 great lines probably getting about 800-1000 metres vertical and was exausted. A very good day out.

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Thats about 1000 times more sucessful than our trip to Hachimantai. We drive for a couple of hours to find the alpine road that was open 2 weekends ago was closed. The sign explaning the closure began with the Kanji for doyoobi so we decided stick around till sunday when it might be open - it wasn't.

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Was thinking about joining you toque but the weather was perfect for kayaking. My favorite easy short lines went from class 1s to class 3s so I felt I had to go. Plus hitting it up with a chance of rain is ballsy. PS nice balls.

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Fatts - You got more balls than I do. I hate white water. Well I don't hate it. Just scares the hell out of me. Funny though as I've swam class 3-4 rapids during courses.


But didn't want to make a big deal of it as the weather was so sketchy. I hate getting people all into something and then having to bail from weather or bad conditions.


From my town there isn't even any snow visable. All on the East side. So I didn't even know if I would be able to ski.

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If weather is bad though might just play up in Norikura area again.


For Tatayama: How do you get there?



But Fuji if your interested


We have the next 3 weekends free to make attempts.

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Me on the Summit. It's to bad that the guy that took this picture missed out on my lower half. Nice longjohns and socks.




The masses hiking/skinning to the top





The Masses at the top


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My first line was on the left and 3rd was on the right through the rocks above the cracks




2nd line down from the summit. Skiied the big line. Would have been nice to get the narrow one though but was to tired.


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