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Al Qaida threat to Japan

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TOKYO — Suicide bombers may stage attacks in the heart of Tokyo, according to an email warning sent to a London-based, Arabic language newspaper by a group associated with al-Qaida, according to French public radio.


The warning was contained in a communique emailed to the daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, in which the group, the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri, also claimed responsibility for the car bomb attacks that killed 23 people and wounded more than 300 at two Istanbul synagogues Saturday.

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It was only a matter of time...


Japan needs to think about approaches to NK that don't involve the US so that they won't have to hang onto the filthy tail of some mad dog like Bush and get caught up in ME violence. And some of their non-petroleum fuel vehicle technology might help ease their oil dependency.


As a 'Japanese taxpayer', I feel like planting bombs in Tokyo too. I can't see that it would be very hard...

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Great. Thanks to that choice of words, this forum is now under full surveillance by AEGIS.


Only a matter of time until the black choppers get here, folks, only a matter of time.


Do you think we can convince them to take us heliskiing?

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I'm sorry people of Tokyo, but my WMD are of the type generally known as 'crude'. I will input some addresses to be avoided in the guidance system, but I must advise that my family hasn't yet reached the 'surgical' or 'pinpoint' level of development yet.


(One of the main reasons we came down here, besides muvver-in-law being nearby, is that the Ito family two houses down are known in the home-WMD community for their relatively advanced delivery technologies.)

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lol.gif lol.gif Oh god, this is really killing me.


Thanks Ocean but if they are crude, I'd rather you don't imput the addresses. That usually only confuses them (i.e. instead of 'Don't Go There' they think 'Go There'!).

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I dont believe any of this paranoid-delusional rubbish. Its sickening.


We get the same bollocks news stories here in Oz. There are much more important issues at stake, but these stories are designed to distract us from the important stuff, like the environment, the evils of capitalism, etc.... The Western world is guilty of all sorts of terrorist activities, but its all unreported so we get away with it...So we probably deserve to cop a bit of terrorism in retaliation!


I've been reading lots of Noam Chomski lately....(cant you tell?)


Its all about keeping the population in a permanent state of paranoia & fright, as this tends to make people support whatever the government wants to do, & it also makes us consume more, encouraging further economic growth... dont listen to them, people! be happy, perform random acts of kindness, consume less, & vote green.



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Aegis is a fancy radar system for ships. It's very good at misidentifying and neutralizing Iranian passenger planes.


If the Ito's missile technology doesn't perform as anticipated (and there were some odd corkscrew trails in the sky yesterday afternoon...), we'll be looking at using trained dolphins as delivery systems. Aegis is programmed to ignore dophins, even if they happen to have home-WMD strapped to them.


eeee-eeeee-click-click - KaBOOOM!

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