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Have been seeing these ads up about the place. Some of them are just a crack-up. One goes something along the lines of:


"Whenever I pass wind I consider the feelings of those behind me, yet I don't when I smoke"


There's a cartoon with it showing people stepping to the side of the wind/smoke passer's jet stream.


Good idea I suppose but isn't JT government owned? If so it's a bit of a band-aid approach to public health issues. Of course the ads don't actually specifically admit that smoking is harmful to your health.

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Those sound more like 'good farter' ads.


I used to have a farter in my office. He would go into the filing corridor, read files, and fart. He didn't seem to appreciate that one end of the filing corridor had a powerful air blower that blew the aroma of rectal fumes straight back into the office where everybody could enjoy them.


Those 'ash tray machines' that smokers are supposed to stand over and smoke seem to work quite well if the smoker is actually standing over them. But they also need an array of handcuffs on short wires arranged around them so that smokers can keep their wrists close to the suction draft. There's always some old w*nker who imagines that because his lighter is sitting on top of the machine, he can wander all over the public space puffing away and not offend everybody.

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And JT govt owned? Seriously?
I think that is right.

Not endorsing anything of course but I think the argument runs like this:

There are far more people killed in car accident every year. These people are adults and know about the risk. We can’t let the inevitable death of a few thousand people get in the way of balancing the national budget. After all, we still have to pay for the health care and education etc etc.
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I remember receiving far more hard hitting anti-smoking education as a little tyke back in 1979. We made a poster at school with the words "smoking kills" made from a collage of tobacco ads from glossy magazines. Then I found out as a teenager that smoking was actually cool, so despite all the good intentions it didn't work.


Maybe JT could try a bit of reverse psycology by getting a bunch of brown suit wearing, bar-code hair sporting oyajis to sing "smoking is really cool...helps me stay in the office ALL day taking shit from my boss". It could work.


Anyway if the Govt were really concerned about revenue they could slap some more tax on the things. At the moment they're about a third of the price of smokes in a lot of other countries.

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