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No. It just is not possible that a nation of democratically free voters could be that stupid. He will not return to office.


I could count on Australia being collectively stupid enough to return their current government, but not America. As a nation they have a massive international responsibility to ensure mature and intelligent governance that has integrity as a corner stone. I am sure that they are aware of this and will remove Bush.

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Moores stunt reporting could backfire or work but it is a pure gamble. He could be seen as a nutter by the undecided that he might be swinging the Dems way. Or he might get guys like McCain and the other rightest guys to say stupid stuff and swing it the other way.


This election will be the same as last time or Kerry wins. ie Bush wins but Kerry gets the majority of the vote. Its the system, Texas, the south and the mid west almost never goes dems.

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This insane focus on Bush and Kerry's Vietnam service is dismaying. It's clear that Bush and most of his neo-cons didn't volunteer to go, and it's equally clear that Kerry did, but said and did things that he wouldn't have if he had had more foresight.


But that is all trivial compared to the shocking military issues involved; the new doctrine of preemption, the flawed and skewed intelligence, the gross lack of planning before the war, the fact that the war is lost and the middle east destabilized, the breakdown in discipline of 'the most moral armed forces in the world' at Abu Graib and elsewhere, and all the rest. Why isn't Kerry hammering away at that, instead of phoning around the Swift boat agents provocateurs asking them why they're doing it?


The answer must be that either he doesn't have the political savvy to handle those issues to his advantage, or that US society is so in thrall to the concept of the untouchable military that he is forced to censor himself - both of which are really frightening scenarios.


The issue of Bush's electoral illegitimacy should be raised again too - it's far, far more relevant than the question of where Bush was when he was supposed to be on some airbase 30 years ago. The Democrats should be reminding people that he wasn't voted in 4 years ago, and warning about dirty tricks this time. Where are their hatchet men for crying out loud? They better come out soon.


But there's no point in putting much hope in Kerry either. He doesn't seem to have put forward any striking alternative policies ... has he?

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My pick on this race is that 'horsey face' Kerry will go down to that loveable little chimp Bush. I also think that Michael Moore, despite his best efforts and enormous girth, will have a negative effect on the undecided vote. Anyone who relates to his slob look will prolly stay home and watch the action on telly with a big tub of fried chicken.


But what do I know? Hope I'm wrong, chimps may look cute but they're actually really vicious little buggers. Superficialities are important in politics and I think the Bush team can play that card better unfortunately. Come on back Bill, the interns get younger every year lol.gif !

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Yeah, it's not all bad news either. Four more years of kleptocracy and militant imperalism might help Americans to see more clearly what they've become. Then the decent ones among them might do something about it.

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No. It just is not possible that a nation of democratically free voters could be that stupid. He will not return to office.

I could count on Australia being collectively stupid enough to return their current government, but not America. As a nation they have a massive international responsibility to ensure mature and intelligent governance that has integrity as a corner stone. I am sure that they are aware of this and will remove Bush.
lol.gif Good one, deebee.

Unfortunately, I increasingly think that chimps are going to win. And there are no decent ones or decent ones who are powerful enough to do anything about it.
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I've been watching this and having so much fun on CNN the last few days - seen a few interviews with Michael Moore. I'm sure he's in danger of taking it too far and spoiling his message through some of his antics. I'm not American of course, so who knows.

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The people attending these things look and act like they are possessed.


Chanting "4 more years", "flip flop flip flop", etc etc with that LOOK in their eyes. The singing of cheese choruses. The bullshit that is spoken, ever so seriously.


And you know who they are chanting for? That in itself is scary.


These mass crazed gatherings like this scares me, it scares me how people can be like that.


Not sure if what I am writing makes much sense. Perhaps someone more articulate could say it better for me ;\)

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That's a scary article, Ocean. I was reading some stuff about other microbiologists mysteriously dying (including the guy in the BBC 'sexed up' dossier scandal). I'll have to see if I can find those links again. It was awhile back now.


db I'd love to agree with you, but who knows with these new electronic voting machines made by republican-affilated companies.


As for Howard, get him out, the sooner the better.

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Originally posted by sunrise:
As for Howard, get him out, the sooner the better.
Yes. I am not a left wing type at all but there is no way I could ever support John Howard. The the lack of integrity that he expects us to swallow is insulting. He is offensive.

Bush - he probably will get back in and if he does then I am moving to Goa for a few years until he has gone.
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Bush - he probably will get back in and if he does then I am moving to Goa for a few years until he has gone.
lol.gif Don't worry too much, DB, I was only joking when I said chimps would win.
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The Swift boat controversy has now been replaced by brave posturing over semantics - Who Can Win the War on Terror? That bubble could be pricked by a single resolute commentator/journalist, and yet it's being spun and respun by both sides as if... as if... there was one iota of substance to it. How can they get away with it?

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You know, this is really getting me down. I just read the story on the scientist that Ocean posted and the more I read about the terrorist paranoia that has swept america, and all the lost of human rights and freedoms that has come with it, I get really ANGRY mad.gif


Why don't people realise that the chance of getting harmed by a terrorist attack is minimal compared to dying in an auto accidient or smoking. But you don't see hoards of FBI agents swooping down and dragging people of to jail for bad driving or lighting up.


The thing that scares me the most is that I am moving to the US in a couple of months, so I really hope there is a change in the administration. I DON'T feel safe in america with those maniacs in charge.


How do these people sleep at night?

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I am saying nothing new here: most politicians try to get elected by saying what it takes and manipulating what needs to be manipulated to get elected. Their motivation is power and pride. Their motivation is not the dignified leadership of a nation. The majority of coke drinking nike wearing macdonalds eating oxygen converting democratically naive public are too unthinking to see over the pile of crap that is served up by both sides in an election campaign. I find the concept of voting to be repulsive under these conditions.


Negative perhaps, but the very nature of the political circus defeats from the beginning the noble service that it designed to provide.


Like I said, I am not saying anything new.


I have more respect for the guy that loses elections as he likely lost because he did not 'play the game', he lost because he tried to do it with integrity.

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Some high quality political debate reported here;


'At the Bickles' home, Kerry heard from four people who said they recently lost their jobs and were worried about finding new ones and getting health care when they need it.


"The president wants you to re-elect him. For what?" Kerry said. "Losing jobs?"


At one point, about a dozen protesters across the street began chanting, "Four More Years, Four More Years" in support of Bush. Kerry's backers on the lawn clapped and shouted, "Kerry, Kerry" and "Two More Months" before the campaign parked its buses to block the protesters' view. '


Persuasion by bus...

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