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Oyuki struts in his lucky t-shirt and new pants



...before taking a leak while the clearly marked beginner STUNTCOK drops the rock to the wild cheers of the onlookers



then Oyuki SWITCH methods off into the sunset!



What a great day! thumbsup.gif

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Rubbish pics - but at least I'M in one of them.


Just kidding.


Nice pics, I like the one of Sugi, and Oyuki's method.


Oyuki also tweaked the 80's ass off a method over the kicker on the last hit of the day, wearing a heavy backpack with an even heavier longboard snow-skate strapped to it!

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they are meduims.



Actually Kuma, have you consitered submitting the photo of Stuntcok dropping the cliff to a mag?


POWDER mad always runs a funny photo at the end of the mag, called "Last Tracks" or something like that. And i think that photo would be PERFECT.


Think about it, seriously.


as it is, it should be SJF's photo of the moment!!!


Oh, and if you have any other decent pics of me or Takae, could you e-mail them to me? Ugly pics too, as i'm sure thats the majority.


and your address too!


and AK, if you tucked that front knee a little more, i would have said that was Nicholas Mueller in the photo!

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Yeah, I model myself on Nicolas Muller.

Unfortunately it seems I have only ever watched footage of him not landing stuff, being a bit of a pussy and and generally flailing around with an absence of pop.

That bs180 was the exception - and yeah, it was supposed to be given more tuck-knee euro tweak.

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i can't do tuck-knees anymore. They hurt my right knee (the one i had surgery on). Same goes for Canadian Bacons.


and to be completely candid, the air really isn't a method. I was going for a suitcase air, but didn't grab my toe edge. I was probably jst palming the base when the photo was taken.


and i would also like to add that i only landed about 3 jumps that afternoon, most of them straight airs. However, AK was murdering the jump with his bs 3s.

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