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posted this earlier but it never showed up in the forum..hmm..anyway


I have an image in mind that i want to make a stencil out of and spray paint onto my board. Anybody here have any experiences with this ?


is there a specific type of paint i should use ? does the board need to prepared in anyway beforehand ? what should i cut the stencil out of ?


any help would be great.



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hey dude, id say u should sketch up a full size and contact a board producer or somthing and get them to advise u on what paint or get htme to do it and then get them to seal it as well other wise it would wash off or get smudged i image it would need some sort of wax coating? or just fiber glass or somthing?


mm? \:D

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I read a long thread on painting skis on newschoolers.com but I cant find it again to link to it. The jist of it was sand your board first so the paint will stick - do a few (they said 6) coats of the colour you want it then add piccies then a few layers of protective clear polyurathane or something and your done. sounded to me like alot of layers and it might be heavy but they insisted that most of the heavy propelant stuff evaporates. hope this helps.

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whoa - this is all starting to sound like hardwork!


Right now i'm looking into getting a sticker made up instead. There's a coupla companies i've found on the net that take any design u can dish up and make up vinyl stickers for u. bit pricy but i'll see how it all goes.


l8r sk8rs

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hey all...

i had a chat to my bro yesterday he owns a snowboard shop, i asked bout personalising ur board... spraypainting and fili coat etc...


he said the only way it was possiable to do a good job is if you were to bluk make couple of 100 and do it in the process... other wise the odds of it being scratched off are high and then would be a lot of work for a crap looking cheap job!


so unless you know an manufacturor...? then its best to seach around for one thats already made!

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thanx for the info. i thought as much. I'm looking into getting stickers made up instead.


Hey ocean, as for having too much spare time on my hands, i'll admit it, i'm an ALT. = )


ocean, i'm sure we've bumped into each other b4. I used to live in okaya oh so many moons ago. Do u know phil or did u go to any of gardner's halloween parties ?

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Ocean, i've been out of japan for a while. Got injured, funnily enough did it while snowboarding and went back to oz for a year. Hopefully i should be able to get up to nagano for sum riding.


anyway as for the design thing. i've investigated sum companies that can make vinyl stickers (the ones that are made of plastic so they don't disintegrate when they get wet). The prices border on fair(for japan) to absolutely outrageous. I'll let everybody know how the sticker saga goes.

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It's not that I'm not design minded (I am!), it's just that I don't see the appearance of the board as being worth bothering with. Plus the coolest looking boards are the ones with the least patterning - a dark blue with subtle highlights, or a wood finish can look amazing. Or a fluourescent base.


Of course, you can make the thing look like an old cardboard suitcase with stickers all over it...


I just personally think there are more interesting things to do.

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it's really a self expression thing. the reason why i like snowboarding more than, say, hockey or any other sport is that it's more about having a good time than competition. if doing up ya board makes u feel better, all the more power to u. I once saw those french dudes with the wigs at a resort once and thinking that's cool. mates of mine wore kilts and skied a resort all day. Another wears neon pink belts. All of these things are done for the sheer pleasure of it. when it comes down to it, isn't that what snowboarding is all about?

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