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  • SnowJapan Admin

Japanese ski area news & developments

News and developments that we hear about from ski areas around Japan. Additional news is reported on the individual ski area pages within SnowJapan.


  • We are not a news organisation and cannot cover everything; our priority is developing our this website.
  • We do not publish rumours, press releases or marketing promotions.
  • Most ski area news is usually announced in the autumn months (September through December).
  • If you know of any ski area related information that might be of interest, we would be happy to hear from you. Contact us here.
  • All ski area listing pages within SnowJapan (and other resources on the site) will be updated by the end of December 2022.
  • We are gradually updating all 470+ ski area pages within SnowJapan, adding new information and any news we can find.
  • The news presented on this page is just a selection of information posted on individial ski area pages within SnowJapan.

Latest update on 22nd December 2022:

  • Nakafurano Hokusei free to use this season [Hokkaido]
  • 46 degree Pioneer Course at Kijimadaira re-opens for 2022-2023 [Nagano]
  • D Course officially named at Minowa [Fukushima]
  • Family Snow Park Bandai x2 closed for the 2022-2023 season [Fukushima]
  • Daisen Masumizu Kogen SNOW PARK to re-open for the 2022-2023 season [Tottori]
  • Classe Snow Park closed for the 2022-2023 season [Hokkaido]
  • New pair lift at Yudonosan [Yamagata]
  • Numata Choei Takaho replaces single lift with new pair lift [Hokkaido]
  • Ishiuchi Hanaoka will be closed for the 2022-2023 season [Niigata]
  • Itsukamachi will be closed for the 2022-2023 season [Niigata]
  • Imajo 365 unable to re-open due to damage from heavy rains [Fukui]
  • New 10-person gondola lift planned for Niseko Grand Hirafu [Hokkaido]
  • Top pair lift at Numajiri to open this season on weekends and holidays [Fukushima]
  • Karuizawa Prince Hotel and Winghills Shirotori Resort open [Nagano & Gifu]
  • Makado Onsen will be closed for the 2022-2023 season) [Aomori]
  • Snow Park Yeti opens (and about other ski area opening dates) [Shizuoka]
  • Echo Valley to remain closed for the 2022-2023 season [Nagano]
  • Snow Park Yeti to open on Friday 21st October 2022 [Shizuoka]
  • Chateraise Ski Resort Yatsugatake changes name to Chateraise Ski Valley Nobeyama [Nagano]
  • Koumi Re-Ex Ski Valley changes name to Chateraise Ski Valley Koumi [Nagano]
  • Hakuba Sanosaka to re-open for the 2022-2023 season [Nagano]
  • Gokase Highland closed for 2022-2023 season due to typhoon damage [Miyazaki]
  • Champion Number 1 quad lift at Akakura Kanko Resort retired [Niigata]
  • Kita Nikko Takahata (previously Aizu Kogen Takahata) to welcome snowboarders in 2022-2023 [Fukushima]
  • Himekayu and Koeji in Oshu City to close [Iwate]
  • Champion area to re-open at Ontake Ski Area for the 2022-2023 season [Nagano]
  • Shirakaba Kogen Kokusai to allow snowboarding from the 2022-2023 season [Nagano]
  • Nakasato Kiyotsu will be closed for the 2022-2023 season [Niigata]
  • Imajo 365 to re-open for 2022-2023 [Fukui]
  • New pair lift at Hakuba Norikura Onsen [Nagano]
  • Asama 2000 Park becomes 'Takamine Mountain Park' [Nagano]

See below for details...



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 16th June 2022)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Asama 2000 Park becomes 'Takamine Mountain Park'

Asama 2000 Park(アサマ2000パーク)ski area in Komoro (Nagano) has officially changed name to Takamine Mountain Park(高峰マウンテンパーク).

At the time of writing, the official ski area website has not changed to reflect the new name.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:
https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/nagano/komoro/takamine-mountain-park (new link)


Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.


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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 24th June 2022)
  • SnowJapan Admin

New pair lift at Hakuba Norikura Onsen

Hakuba Norikura Onsen(白馬乗鞍温泉スキー場)ski area in Otari (Nagano) has announced that it is constructing a new lift. The new 1,200m pair lift will start from close to the top of the current Alps Number 5 lift and climb to an elevation of 1,598m.

However, at least initially, the lift is primarily intended for the green season and backcountry rather than new ski runs. The ski area says that it will conduct various tests for skiing, but it is highly unlikely that the lift will be operating for the general public during the 2022-2023 winter season.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:


Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.


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  • SnowJapan Admin

Imajo 365 to re-open for 2022-2023 

Imajo 365(今庄365スキー場)ski area in Minami Echizen (Fukui) was closed during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 seasons, due to COVID.

The ski area is going to re-open for the 2022-2023 season, but not at full power - while there are four lifts at the ski area, only the Number 1 pair lift will be operating. 

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 27th June 2022)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Imajo 365 to re-open for 2022-2023 

Imajo 365(今庄365スキー場)ski area in Tokamachi (Niigata) ha

The ski area is going to re-open for the 2022-2023 season, but not at full power - while there are four lifts at the ski area, only the Number 1 pair lift will be operating. 

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.


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  • SnowJapan Admin

Nakasato Kiyotsu will be closed for the 2022-2023 season 

Nakasato Kiyotsu(なかさと清津スキー場)ski area in Tokamachi (Niigata) will not be opening for the 2022-2023 winter season.

When making the announcement in March 2022, the reason provided was 'the decrease in number of visitors due to covid over the last three seasons and the condition of facilities'.

They note that they will make decisions for future seasons at a later date.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 28th June 2022)
  • 1 month later...
  • SnowJapan Admin

Shirakaba Kogen Kokusai to allow snowboarding from the 2022-2023 season 

Shirakaba Kogen Kokusai(白樺高原国際スキー場)ski area in Tateshina (Nagano) will be allowing snowboarders from the 2022-2023 season.

Until now Shirakaba Kogen Kokusai was one of the few remaining 'skiers-only' areas, but they have decided to open up to snowboarders... for most of the season.

There are still going to be two 'ski weeks' (their name) and during those periods snowboarders will not be allowed. Those 'ski week' periods are 16th-20th and 23rd-27th January 2023.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.





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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 6th August 2022)
  • 4 weeks later...
  • SnowJapan Admin

Champion area to re-open at Ontake Ski Area for the 2022-2023 season 

Ontake(御岳スキー場)ski area in Otaki (Nagano) plans to open its Champion area for the first time in 10 years during the upcoming 2022-2023 season.

The area will re-open as 'semi-backcountry' area featuring '95% ungroomed natural snow'.

A new 300m long T-bar lift is being installed, and that will be the only lift in the area. (The old quad lift in the area will not be open).

A bus will also be available between the base of the Champion area and the main base of Ontake.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:


Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 1st September)
  • 3 weeks later...
  • SnowJapan Admin

Two ski areas (Himekayu and Koeji) to close in Oshu City (Iwate Prefecture)

Sad news to report that two small local ski areas in Oshu City are closing (and they will not be open for the 2022-2023 season).

The ski areas to close are Himekayu ひめかゆスキー場 and Koeji 越路スキー場.

The other ski area remaining in Oshu City called Kunimidaira 国見平スキー場 will remain open.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 16th September)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Kita Nikko Takahata to welcome snowboarders 

Kita Nikko Takahata(北日光・高畑スキー場)in Minamiaizu (Fukushima) has traditionally been a skiers-only resort, but that is about to change.

They have announced that snowboarders will be welcomed during the 2022-2023 season.

Until 2021 Kita Nikko Takahata was known as Aizu Kogen Takahata.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:


Please note: The information on the above link and other pages within SnowJapan will be updated to reflect this news by December 2022.




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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 18th September)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Champion No 1 quad lift at Akakura Kanko Resort retired 

The Champion Number 1 quad lift at Akakura Kanko Resort(赤倉観光リゾート)in Myoko (Niigata) has been retired and won't be opening this season.

The lift has already been taken off the official course map.

Akakura Kanko has said that it will be increasing the shuttle buses from Akakura Onsen. The ski run connections between Akakura Onsen and Akakura Kanko Resort are unaffected.

Ski area information on SnowJapan (new course map included):






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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 26th September)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Gokase Highland closed for 2022-2023 season due to typhoon damage

Gokase Highland(五ヶ瀬ハイランドスキー場)in Gokase (Miyazaki) will not be opening for the 2022-2023 season.

The ski area was planning for a 16th December opening. However, this month's powerful typhoon (14) caused considerably damage to the access road.  Unfortunately, there is not enough time to fix it before winter.

Gokase Highland is the most southerly ski area in Japan.

We wish them well and hope to see them back next year.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 27th September)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Hakuba Sanosaka to re-open for the 2022-2023 season 

Good news from Hakuba!

Hakuba Sanosaka(白馬さのさかスキー場)in Hakuba (Nagano) will be (re)opening for the 2022-2023 winter season.

Sanosaka was closed last season but there have been some changes and the ski area is now saying that it plans to open in late December 2022.

No details just yet, but the below page will be updated when we have them:

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 29th September)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Koumi Re-Ex Ski Valley changes name to Chateraise Ski Valley Koumi

Chateraise Ski Valley Koumi(シャトレーゼスキーバレー小海)is the new name of the ski area in Koumi Town (Nagano) that used to be known as Koumi Re-Ex Ski Valley.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:


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Chateraise Ski Resort Yatsugatake changes name to Chateraise Ski Valley Nobeyama

Chateraise Ski Valley Nobeyama(シャトレーゼスキーバレー野辺山)is the new name of the ski area in Kawakami Village (Nagano) that used to be known as Chateraise Ski Resort Yatsugatake.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:




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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 1st October)
  • 2 weeks later...
  • SnowJapan Admin

Snow Park Yeti to open on Friday 21st October 2022

Snow Park Yeti(スノーパークイエティ)in Susuno City (Shizuoka) is traditionally the first ski area to open every year. And this year will be no different...

They have announced that they plan to open on Friday 21st October 2022.

Details on the below page will be updated as soon as possible (...they haven't updated their own yet!)

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 14th October)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Echo Valley to remain closed for the 2022-2023 season

Echo Valley(エコーバレースキー場)in Nagawa Town (Nagano) was closed during last two winter seasons.

Unfortunately, they have announced that they will also be closed for the 2022-2023 season.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:




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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 15th October)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Snow Park Yeti extends opening record to 24 years

Snow Park Yeti(スノーパークイエティ)in Susuno City (Shizuoka) has opened for the 2022-2023 season.

It is the 24th year in a row that Snow Park Yeti has been the first ski area in Japan to open.

Of course, it isn't natural snow.... and most ski areas in Japan open in December (many in the second half of December). But it's still always good to see this news as we look forward to winter.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Opening dates of ski areas around Japan

To see the planned opening dates for the 2022-2023 season, please refer to the individual ski area pages within SnowJapan (like the one above).

To check when ski areas opened last season, check out this interactive guide.

Most ski areas try to open at around the same time every season. 



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 21st October)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Makado Onsen will be closed for the 2022-2023 season 

Makado Onsen(まかど温泉スキー場)ski area in Noheji Town (Aomori) will not be opening for the 2022-2023 winter season.

Apparently significant damage was caused by heavy rains in late August 2002.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:




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  • SnowJapan Admin

Karuizawa Prince Hotel and Winghills Shirotori Resort open

Karuizawa Prince Hotel in Nagano and Winghills Shirotori Resort in Gifu have opened this morning - both with artificial snow.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:

Opening dates of ski areas around Japan

To see the planned opening dates for the 2022-2023 season, please refer to the individual ski area pages within SnowJapan (like the one above).

To check when ski areas opened last season, check out this interactive guide.

Most ski areas try to open at around the same time every season. 



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 3rd November)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Top lift at Numajiri to open on weekends this season

The top pair lift at Numajiri(沼尻スキー場)ski area in Inawashiro Town (Fukushima) will be opening once again this season, though only on weekends and holidays.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 4th November)
  • SnowJapan Admin

New 10-person gondola planned for Niseko Grand Hirafu (2024-2025 season) 

The current Ace Number 2 Quad Center Four lift at Niseko Grand Hirafu (ニセコマウンテンリゾートグラン・ヒラフ) is about to enter its last season.

Once the 2023-2024 season is over, it will be replaced by a shiny new 10-person gondola lift.

Apparently, the Ace Number 2 lift opened in 1985 and is the oldest quad lift in Japan. Last chance to ride it this season!

Ski area information on SnowJapan:




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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 5th November)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Imajo 365 unable to open due to heavy rain damage

Imajo 365(今庄365スキー場)ski area in Minami Echizen (Fukui) was closed during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 seasons due to COVID.

As noted previously in this topic, it was planning on re-opening for the 2022-2023 season.

But unfortunately, due to damage (to facilities and the road) from very heavy rains in August 2022, it will be closed for the season.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan changed the title to Japanese ski area news 2022 (updated 12th November)
  • SnowJapan Admin

Ishiuchi Hanaoka closed for the 2022-2023 season 

Ichiuchi Hanaoka(石打花岡スキー場)ski area in Minamiuonuma City (Niigata) will not be opening for the 2022-2023 winter season.

This will be the third season in a row that it has not opened.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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  • SnowJapan Admin

Itsukamachi closed for the 2022-2023 season 

Itsukamachi(五日町スキー場)ski area in Minamiuonuma City (Niigata) will not be opening for the 2022-2023 winter season.

This will be the second season in a row that it has not opened.

Ski area information on SnowJapan:



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