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Wada Toge WON'T be getting teleporters this year. It's official. No teleporters. In fact, Wode Toge won't be having lifts that move this year. They didn't more very fast last year either, but they won't move at all this year.


This has been the word on the street for a while, and I just phoned the Wada Mura Municipal Office as there seems to be some snow up that way, and they tell me, in their rude, barely comprehensible yaffling way that the place is not going to open this year. Not 'nuff customers y'see? It might open again at some time, but matey up there in his no doubt overheated office reckons it won't be anytime soon.


Wada Toge is a decent place. It's small, but it has 5 runs, each with a different flavour. The steepest is really quite hairy, and the others sweep down the hill with diminishing pitch. It's great for people who are learning. Then there's the unoffical back run that is never groomed and sprouts kickers. It is satisfyingly steep and quite long enough for the purpose. And there are some good trees to ride through too.


But that's all going to go to waste from here on. I mean, how do they hope to increase customers by closing? The lady with the wart on her nose who insisted on popping out of the restaurant to yell 'You can't go there, you won't be rescued if you hurt yourself!' wasn't attracting customers. Nor was the grooming routine that seemed to start at 10 am on some days. Nor was the fact that it was pretty hard to find and didn't have easy directions online.


Well, I think it's a damn shame. A local, thoroughly respectable snowboarding option is now no longer available. Look out Arai, you're next!

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Well that's the official line, but I don't think they're going to be able to identify new demand if the place is closed for a season. So it looks like it's closed for the foreseeable...


What they need is a 2-seat, coin operated lift - put your 100 yen in and it starts up. Groomers, rescue, who needs 'em in a place like that?

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First of many I am guessing. Japan is over and done with. Give it 10 years and you may as well live in Indonesia (well, not quite). Japan has big time goosed it up in Asia, they should be ashamed. The upshot of it all is that resorts are going to shut.


Are there any resorts in China? 'cause marke my words, that country will be the Asian gravy train for the next 2 decades. They will eclipse the Japanese economy in size very soon.


Ski China.

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Tighten your seatbelts for some serious pedantry here, ignoramuses. The following brought to you by Merriam Webster's


Main Entry: el·e·gy

Etymology: Latin elegia poem in elegiac couplets, from Greek elegeia, elegeion, from elegos song of mourning

1 : a poem in elegiac couplets

2 a : a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead


Main Entry: eu·lo·gy

Etymology: Middle English euloge, from Medieval Latin eulogium, from Greek eulogia praise, from eu- + -logia -logy

1 : a commendatory formal statement or set oration

2 : high praise


Now, although I have some praise for Wada Toge, it's principally the terrain that I have loved and lost, and that I now mourn. So what I sing, thickies, is an elegy. I have no high praise, and only contempt for the people responsible for it closing. As deebee no doubt has for the people who screwed up the Japanese economy, and which I share heartily.


OK, I admit this is something of a set oration, but as the author of it, I get to choose whether its an elegy or eulogy.


PS, anyone heading to Hakuba tomorrow? I'm going...

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LARD, what are you REALLY like then? Are you in fact a big block of pigfat useful for making pastry, or are you just one of the many people posting here under an assumed name?


I already told you what the place is like...

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