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10 Resist the clippers, then embrace them


The last resort, and now very respectable, is an all-over buzz cut. Don't reach for it too soon, though. "If you're going a bit thin, or you've got a receding hairline, I'd continue to ask your hairdresser's advice," Glover says. "For instance, if you wear glasses, I don't think a buzz cut would work as nicely as if you have a bit of shape on the back and sides. But it depends on the person's face. At the end of the day, everyone knows that this happens to men."

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Bald people: d not go past a betting shop or you'll have your head slapped Benny Hill style.


(Bald symbolising the punter will lose even the hair on his head. Punters seeing this will get a tad peeved. Spesh the drugged up ones)

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