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I saw a article about the average number of farts a day and its' pong factor... I think it was on "New Science" or something, and men is about 11 and women 7. Apparently the self-rating smell factor describes women have less pong ... no, way, we smelled one of the worst in a jump plane in Queensland while climbing and we had to get the door open. The pilot even opened up the vent in his cockpit.

Interesting thing is, it was an Aussie research.

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Is there something I missed? Why the sudden interest in the bodily noises. Jynxx?


Who counts, (and WHY?) how many? More importantly, who cares?


As it happens, I'm glad I don't share your house with you. Must pong something fierce, what with your farts and the rats pooping everywhere.

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I did hear/read/aquire the information somewhere somehow that farting is actually necessary and healthy for colonic health... not sure why or how...maybe it was a pro-farting lobby group sponsored article...

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Well, JA, my missus tells me I'm a fart-a-bear and I'd admit to that, and since I haven't counted it for the first 50 years of my life, I thought it would be interesting. Something to do, you know.

Then I thought about that research project, and wanted to know how I fare ...

I got the details. 1993 study by R.A.Stanton (nutrition consultant) T.D.Bolin (Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW)

60 men, 60 women, 5 months study, aroma rating on a 4-point scale from "odourless" to "severe".

Results: men average 12.7, aroma quotient 0.86 women: 7.1 and 0.34



Aussies fart a lot. So yeah, you are right, no one really cares about farting (it's only a party joke, right!?) so they fart a lot...


My rats are toilet trained, JA . We just have to change the bedding they peepee in it. They actually smell nice on our shoulders cos they clean themselves really well. I have heard of rats that don't and the owner has to give them a bath.

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Here's an interesting statement :

An average person farts 10 times a day, enough to fill up a party balloon.



Maybe, when you don't fart, does it go up the other way? like burrrp?

Or does it get re-absorbed?

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What does science know....I think this little beauty from my youth sums it up


Pardon me for the being so rude, it was not me it was my food, it popped up to say hello and now its gone down below. If it was below the heart it would have been a great bit FART!



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